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Driving with and without automation on the motorway – an observational study
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2020.1738230
András Várhelyi 1 , Clemens Kaufmann 1 , Carl Johnsson 1 , Sverker Almqvist 1


User-related assessment of a level 3 automated driving system, providing functions such as lane- and distance-keeping, stop & go driving, lane change and overtaking, was carried out on a motorway in Germany with the aim to assess user-related issues of automated driving, i.e., behavior when driving with automation on motorways, user experiences, reactions and acceptance. Twenty-one persons drove twice along the test route once with the system switched off and once with the system active. Driving data were logged and driving behavior was observed by two observers in the car and the drivers answered questionnaires. The results revealed that the drivers used the system as it was intended to be used and that the system affected driving positively in several ways, resulting in better speed adaptation, less speed variation, better distance keeping, better lane choice, better indicator usage and fewer dangerous lane changes. No differences with regard to subjective workload were shown. The system was perceived as being both useful and satisfactory. However, it was found that the system did not react to other drivers’ intention to make a lane change, especially in situations where they were attempting to merge onto the motorway. Further development is needed to improve the system’s ability to recognize other vehicles’ intention to enter the vehicle’s own lane. Also, the phenomenon of the driver “feeling guilty” because of the system’s reckless behavior by not allowing other drivers to merge onto the motorway or hindering other cars behind due to lengthy overtaking should be investigated further.




在德国的一条高速公路上对 3 级自动驾驶系统进行了用户相关评估,该系统提供车道保持和距离保持、停止和前进驾驶、变道和超车等功能,旨在评估用户相关问题自动驾驶,即在高速公路上自动驾驶时的行为、用户体验、反应和接受度。21 个人沿着测试路线行驶了两次,一次是系统关闭,一次是系统激活。驾驶数据被记录并由车内的两名观察员观察驾驶行为,司机回答问卷。结果表明,驾驶员按照预期使用该系统,并且该系统以多种方式对驾驶产生积极影响,从而实现更好的速度适应、更少的速度变化、更好的距离保持、更好的车道选择、更好的指示器使用和更少的危险变道。没有显示主观工作量方面的差异。该系统被认为既有用又令人满意。然而,发现该系统没有对其他司机改变车道的意图做出反应,尤其是在他们试图并入高速公路的情况下。需要进一步开发以提高系统识别其他车辆进入本车道意图的能力。此外,还应进一步调查因系统不让其他驾驶员并入高速公路或因长时间超车而阻碍其他车辆的鲁莽行为导致驾驶员“感到内疚”的现象。没有显示主观工作量方面的差异。该系统被认为既有用又令人满意。然而,发现该系统不会对其他司机改变车道的意图做出反应,尤其是在他们试图并入高速公路的情况下。需要进一步开发以提高系统识别其他车辆进入本车道意图的能力。此外,还应进一步调查因系统不让其他驾驶员并入高速公路或因长时间超车而阻碍其他车辆的鲁莽行为导致驾驶员“感到内疚”的现象。没有显示主观工作量方面的差异。该系统被认为既有用又令人满意。然而,发现该系统不会对其他司机改变车道的意图做出反应,尤其是在他们试图并入高速公路的情况下。需要进一步开发以提高系统识别其他车辆进入本车道意图的能力。此外,还应进一步调查因系统不让其他驾驶员并入高速公路或因长时间超车而阻碍其他车辆的鲁莽行为导致驾驶员“感到内疚”的现象。结果发现,该系统不会对其他司机改变车道的意图做出反应,尤其是在他们试图并入高速公路的情况下。需要进一步开发以提高系统识别其他车辆进入本车道意图的能力。此外,还应进一步调查因系统不让其他驾驶员并入高速公路或因长时间超车而阻碍其他车辆的鲁莽行为导致驾驶员“感到内疚”的现象。结果发现,该系统不会对其他司机改变车道的意图做出反应,尤其是在他们试图并入高速公路的情况下。需要进一步开发以提高系统识别其他车辆进入本车道意图的能力。此外,还应进一步调查因系统不让其他驾驶员并入高速公路或因长时间超车而阻碍其他车辆的鲁莽行为导致驾驶员“感到内疚”的现象。
