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High efficiency phytoextraction of uranium using Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash.
International Journal of Phytoremediation ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2020.1741506
Venu-Babu Pentyala 1 , Susan Eapen 2

Uranium uptake, translocation and its effects on leaf anatomy in vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash) grown in hydroponics were investigated at a wide range of concentrations. At concentrations below 200 ppm (1, 5, 25, 100, and 200 ppm) almost 90–95% of uranium was depleted from the medium within 3 days of treatment, while at other concentrations viz., at 318, 500, 619, 1,000, 5,000, 7,500, and 11,900 ppm, it reached a maximum between 7 and 14 days, with a marginal increase in the depletion thereafter. Most of the uranium could be recovered from plants at concentrations below 200 ppm. On the contrary, a significant reduction in the recovery of uranium was noticed at higher concentrations and the percentage of recovery dropped from 82% at 318 ppm to 35% at 11,900 ppm. While most of the uranium taken up by the plants could be recovered from roots at lower concentrations, a preferential translocation of the element to shoot occurred at concentrations beyond 1,000 ppm. Histological studies of leaves from plants treated with 1,000 ppm uranium displayed the formation of multilayered cells between the epidermis and vascular bundles on the adaxial side in the distal regions of the leaves. The plants were also found to tolerate and survive the radiological and chemical constituents of both uranium mill tailings soil as well as various effluents of uranium mine and mill operations. Further, they could also survive in uranium ore containing 600 ppm of triuranium octoxide (U3O8) and could withstand the amendment of ore with citric acid. The ability of vetiver to take up uranium from solutions to high levels and its survival in effluents, mill tailings soil, and ore coupled with its ecological characteristics makes it an ideal plant for phytoextraction of uranium.


使用香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides L. Nash)对铀进行高效植物提取。

香根草草(Vetiveria zizanioides)中的铀吸收,转运及其对叶片解剖的影响研究了在水培法中生长的L. Nash)的广泛浓度范围。在低于200 ppm(1、5、25、100和200 ppm)的浓度下,处理后3天之内几乎90-95%的铀从培养基中耗竭,而在其他浓度下,分别为318、500、619, 1,000、5,000、7,500和11,900 ppm,在7天和14天之间达到最大值,此后的消耗量略有增加。大部分铀可以以低于200 ppm的浓度从植物中回收。相反,在较高浓度下,铀的回收率显着下降,回收率从318 ppm时的82%降至11900 ppm时的35%。虽然植物吸收的大部分铀可以从根部以较低浓度回收,超过1000 ppm的浓度发生了元素的优先转移。用1,000 ppm铀处理过的植物叶片的组织学研究表明,在叶片远端区域的表皮和血管束之间,在表皮和血管束之间形成了多层细胞。还发现这些植物能够忍受并幸存于铀厂尾矿土壤以及铀矿和工厂运营的各种废水的放射和化学成分。此外,它们还可以在含600 ppm八氧化三铀(U 还发现这些植物能够忍受并幸存于铀厂尾矿土壤以及铀矿和工厂运营的各种废水的放射和化学成分。此外,它们还可以在含600 ppm八氧化三铀(U 还发现这些植物能够忍受并幸存于铀厂尾矿土壤以及铀矿和工厂运营的各种废水的放射和化学成分。此外,它们还可以在含600 ppm八氧化三铀(U3 O 8),并能承受柠檬酸对矿石的修正。香根草从溶液中吸收铀的能力很高,并且能够在废水,尾矿土壤和矿石中生存,再加上其生态特性,使其成为铀进行植物提取的理想植物。
