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Fragmented evidence for the contribution of ex situ management to species conservation indicates the need for better reporting
Oryx ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0030605319000784
Jennifer R. Gant , Louise Mair , Philip J. K. McGowan

Conserving species and achieving the Convention on Biological Diversity's international conservation targets necessitates stopping extinctions, recovering depleted populations and maintaining viable populations. The contribution of ex situ management to species conservation has long been debated, and there is limited information on ex situ management activities available in a format that allows success to be assessed. We therefore gathered information from three sources to explore cases in which ex situ management was considered to have had a positive conservation impact for terrestrial vertebrate species. We (1) reviewed the published literature, (2) examined for which taxa ex situ management had contributed to the downlisting of species on the IUCN Red List and (3) surveyed a global network of ex situ management practitioners. We found that ex situ management has contributed to improvements in conservation status for a range of vertebrate species. Ex situ management was reported as contributing to the downlisting of 18 species on the IUCN Red List over a 10-year period. Across sources, the most common role of ex situ management was the provision of individuals to increase population numbers in situ. The strength of evidence for the impact of ex situ management varied within and among sources. Therefore, for the role of ex situ activities in conservation to be understood fully, and for such interventions to reach their potential, documentation of intended and actual benefits needs to be improved. Better reporting of ex situ activities would enable improved learning, facilitating better targeting of ex situ activities to global species conservation goals.



保护物种和实现《生物多样性公约》的国际保护目标需要阻止灭绝、恢复枯竭的种群并维持可生存的种群。易地管理对物种保护的贡献长期以来一直存在争议,而且关于易地管理活动的信息有限,可用于评估成功的格式。因此,我们从三个来源收集信息,以探讨异地管理被认为对陆生脊椎动物物种产生积极保护影响的案例。我们 (1) 回顾了已发表的文献,(2) 研究了哪些分类群的迁地管理有助于将物种列入 IUCN 红色名录,以及 (3) 调查了全球迁地管理从业人员网络。我们发现,迁地管理有助于改善一系列脊椎动物物种的保护状况。据报道,在 10 年期间,异地管理有助于将 18 个物种列入 IUCN 红色名录。在所有来源中,异地管理最常见的作用是提供个人以增加就地人口数量。异地管理影响的证据强度在来源内部和来源之间各不相同。因此,为了充分理解非原生境活动在保护中的作用,以及为了使此类干预措施发挥其潜力,需要改进对预期和实际效益的记录。更好地报告非原生境活动将有助于改进学习,促进非原生境活动更好地针对全球物种保护目标。