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Spatial dynamics and activity patterns of the fosa Cryptoprocta ferox in Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar: carnivores navigating a human-influenced landscape
Oryx ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0030605319000498
Eileen Wyza , Luke Dollar , Leon Pierrot Rahajanirina , Viorel Popescu , Nancy J. Stevens

The Vulnerable fosa Cryptoprocta ferox is the largest native carnivore in Madagascar, fulfilling a unique ecological niche in the island's remaining forests. Negative interactions with humans threaten the long-term viability of most remaining fosa populations across Madagascar. Threats to the fosa include habitat loss and persecution by humans resulting from perceived predation on domestic animals. We used GPS collars to record space use and activity patterns of five fosas in Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar, during the dry seasons of 2016 and 2017. The results, with up to 2,110 recorded locations per individual, indicated fosas’ home ranges and movements were not limited to the forest, and all collared individuals used networks of habitat patches and corridors to navigate deforested areas. The fosas studied in Ankarafantsika National Park had significantly larger home ranges than those reported in previous studies in other protected areas. They were rarely found within village boundaries and appeared to avoid areas of human habitation, suggesting that during the study period livestock was not a significant component of the fosas’ diet in this Park. Our results suggest that fosas have some flexibility that enables them to adapt to living near deforested and human-dominated areas by altering their space-use patterns, but they are compensating by increasing their home range size.


马达加斯加 Ankarafantsika 国家公园 fosa Cryptoprocta ferox 的空间动态和活动模式:食肉动物在受人类影响的景观中航行

脆弱的福萨隐鳖是马达加斯加最大的本土食肉动物,在岛上剩余的森林中实现了独特的生态位。与人类的负面互动威胁到马达加斯加大多数剩余 fosa 种群的长期生存能力。对 fosa 的威胁包括栖息地丧失和人类对家畜的捕食行为造成的迫害。我们使用 GPS 项圈记录了 2016 年和 2017 年旱季马达加斯加 Ankarafantsika 国家公园的五个 fosas 的空间使用和活动模式。结果,每个人记录了多达 2,110 个位置,表明 fosas 的家园范围和活动是不仅限于森林,所有戴项圈的人都使用栖息地斑块和走廊网络来导航被砍伐的森林地区。在 Ankarafantsika 国家公园研究的 fosas 的栖息地比之前在其他保护区的研究报告的要大得多。它们很少在村庄边界内被发现,并且似乎避开了人类居住的区域,这表明在研究期间,牲畜并不是该公园中fosas饮食的重要组成部分。我们的研究结果表明,fosas 具有一定的灵活性,使它们能够通过改变其空间使用模式来适应生活在森林砍伐和人类占主导地位的地区附近,但它们通过增加其家园范围的大小来进行补偿。表明在研究期间,牲畜不是该公园 fosas 饮食的重要组成部分。我们的研究结果表明,fosas 具有一定的灵活性,使它们能够通过改变其空间使用模式来适应生活在森林砍伐和人类占主导地位的地区附近,但它们通过增加其家园范围的大小来进行补偿。表明在研究期间,牲畜不是该公园 fosas 饮食的重要组成部分。我们的研究结果表明,fosas 具有一定的灵活性,使它们能够通过改变其空间使用模式来适应生活在森林砍伐和人类占主导地位的地区附近,但它们通过增加其家园范围的大小来进行补偿。