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Human dimensions of human–lion conflict: a pre- and post-assessment of a lion conservation programme in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Environmental Conservation ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s0376892920000120
Eric G LeFlore , Todd K Fuller , Mathata Tomeletso , Tiro C Dimbindo , Andrew B Stein

SummaryHumans are contributing to large carnivore declines around the globe, and conservation interventions should focus on increasing local stakeholder tolerance of carnivores and be informed by both biological and social considerations. In the Okavango Delta (Botswana), we tested new conservation strategies alongside a pre-existing government compensation programme. The new strategies included the construction of predator-proof livestock enclosures, the establishment of an early warning system linked to GPS satellite lion collars, depredation event investigations and educational programmes. We conducted pre- and post-assessments of villagers’ livestock management practices, attitudes towards carnivores and conservation, perceptions of human–carnivore coexistence and attitudes towards established conservation programmes. Livestock management levels were low and 50% of farmers lost livestock to carnivores, while 5–10% of owned stock was lost. Respondents had strong negative attitudes towards lions, which kill most depredated livestock. Following new management interventions, tolerance of carnivores significantly increased, although tolerance of lions near villages did not. The number of respondents who believed that coexistence with carnivores was possible significantly increased. Respondents had negative attitudes towards the government-run compensation programme, citing low and late payments, but were supportive of the new management interventions. These efforts show that targeted, intensive management can increase stakeholder tolerance of carnivores.



摘要人类正在导致全球食肉动物的大量减少,保护干预措施应侧重于提高当地利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度,并从生物学和社会方面考虑。在奥卡万戈三角洲(博茨瓦纳),我们测试了新的保护策略以及现有的政府补偿计划。新战略包括建造防捕食牲畜围栏、建立与 GPS 卫星狮子项圈相关的预警系统、掠夺事件调查和教育计划。我们对村民的牲畜管理实践、对食肉动物和保护的态度、对人与食肉动物共存的看法以及对既定保护计划的态度进行了前后评估。牲畜管理水平低,50% 的农民将牲畜丢给食肉动物,而 5-10% 的自有牲畜丢失。受访者对狮子有强烈的负面态度,狮子会杀死大多数被掠夺的牲畜。在采取新的管理干预措施后,对食肉动物的耐受性显着提高,尽管村庄附近的狮子的耐受性没有。认为可以与食肉动物共存的受访者人数显着增加。受访者对政府运营的补偿计划持负面态度,认为支付金额低且延迟支付,但支持新的管理干预措施。这些努力表明,有针对性的集约化管理可以提高利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度。受访者对狮子有强烈的负面态度,狮子会杀死大多数被掠夺的牲畜。在采取新的管理干预措施后,对食肉动物的耐受性显着提高,尽管村庄附近的狮子的耐受性没有。认为可以与食肉动物共存的受访者人数显着增加。受访者对政府运营的补偿计划持负面态度,认为支付金额低且延迟支付,但支持新的管理干预措施。这些努力表明,有针对性的集约化管理可以提高利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度。受访者对狮子有强烈的负面态度,狮子会杀死大多数被掠夺的牲畜。在采取新的管理干预措施后,对食肉动物的耐受性显着提高,尽管村庄附近的狮子的耐受性没有。认为可以与食肉动物共存的受访者人数显着增加。受访者对政府运营的补偿计划持负面态度,认为支付金额低且延迟支付,但支持新的管理干预措施。这些努力表明,有针对性的集约化管理可以提高利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度。认为可以与食肉动物共存的受访者人数显着增加。受访者对政府运营的补偿计划持负面态度,认为支付金额低且延迟支付,但支持新的管理干预措施。这些努力表明,有针对性的集约化管理可以提高利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度。认为可以与食肉动物共存的受访者人数显着增加。受访者对政府运营的补偿计划持负面态度,认为支付金额低且延迟支付,但支持新的管理干预措施。这些努力表明,有针对性的集约化管理可以提高利益相关者对食肉动物的容忍度。