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Increasing role of abstinence and infecundity in non-use of contraceptive methods in India
Journal of Biosocial Science ( IF 2.148 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021932020000115
Preeti Dhillon 1 , Govind Singh 2 , Faujdar Ram 2 , Pradeep Kumar 1 , Niranjan Saggurti 2

This paper assesses the reasons for non-use of contraceptive methods, and the possible complexity of reported data on women in India. The study used recent data from two successive rounds of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) (2005–06: N=37,296; 2015–16: N=247,024), which surveyed currently married women aged 15–49 years. The reporting on non-use of contraceptives and the changing pattern of the reasons for non-use were analysed, classified into fertility and other cited reasons. The self-reported reasons for non-use of contraception were verified with other related information captured in the survey. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were conducted. Sexual abstinence (not having sex: 10%; infrequent sex: 3%) and infecundity (menopausal/hysterectomy: 12%; subfecund/infecund: 10%) were the most commonly reported reasons for non-use of contraceptive methods in 2015–16, followed by refusal to use (10%). The proportion of non-users who wanted to have a child soon (25% to 21%), were pregnant (16% to 13%), in postpartum amenorrhoea (68% to 40%) and who had method-related reasons (10% to 6%) declined over time (from 2005–06 to 2015–16, respectively). A higher proportion of less-educated women reported abstinence (6%) and menopause/hysterectomy (19%) than educated women. Abstinence was more commonly reported in states with low prevalence of modern contraceptive use. The findings suggest that the increasing trend of abstinence and infecundity among non-users of contraception may be a concern for future research and reproductive health programmes, as it questions both the quality of data and sexual health of married couples.



本文评估了不使用避孕方法的原因,以及印度妇女报告数据的可能复杂性。该研究使用了来自连续两轮全国家庭健康调查 (NFHS) (2005-06) 的最新数据:ñ=37,296;2015–16:ñ=247,024),该调查调查了年龄在 15 至 49 岁之间的已婚女性。对未使用避孕药具的报告情况和未使用原因的变化规律进行分析,分为生育率和其他被引原因。自我报告的不使用避孕措施的原因与调查中收集的其他相关信息进行了验证。进行了双变量和逻辑回归分析。性禁欲(不发生性行为:10%;不经常性行为:3%)和不孕(绝经/子宫切除术:12%;未受精/不孕:10%)是 2015-16 年不使用避孕方法的最常见原因,其次是拒绝使用(10%)。想要尽快要孩子的非用户比例(25% 到 21%)、怀孕(16% 到 13%)、产后闭经(68% 到 40%)和有方法相关原因(10% 到 6%)的患者随着时间的推移而下降(分别从 2005-06 年到 2015-16 年)。与受过教育的女性相比,受教育程度较低的女性报告禁欲(6%)和绝经/子宫切除术(19%)的比例更高。在现代避孕药具使用率较低的州,禁欲更为常见。研究结果表明,非避孕者的节欲和不孕症的增加趋势可能是未来研究和生殖健康计划的关注点,因为它质疑数据质量和已婚夫妇的性健康。在现代避孕药具使用率较低的州,禁欲更为常见。研究结果表明,非避孕者的节欲和不孕症的增加趋势可能是未来研究和生殖健康计划的关注点,因为它质疑数据质量和已婚夫妇的性健康。在现代避孕药具使用率较低的州,禁欲更为常见。研究结果表明,非避孕者的节欲和不孕症的增加趋势可能是未来研究和生殖健康计划的关注点,因为它质疑数据质量和已婚夫妇的性健康。