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Influence of energy transfer in the adsorbed state of the clay at the petroleum radiolysis under gamma radiation at room temperature
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-28 , DOI: 10.1080/10420150.2019.1678622
M. K. Ismayilova 1

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of hydrocarbon generation on the surface of the catalyst, irradiated with gamma rays. Using dynamic light scattering (DLS), the investigation found that the raw bentonite clay sample used in these experiments has nanostructured composition with particle size in the range of 55 ≤ d [nm] ≤175 nm. Due to such a structure, the applied catalyst supports maximum energy transfer to the system. One of the primary objectives of this research work is increasing the efficiency of transformation of adsorbed beam energy in solid phase to the system and improvement of hydrocarbon changing reactions in crude oil. The changes taking place in raw bentonite, under ionizing radiation, can be interpreted as involving the creation of a structure with radiation defects. Additional radiation energy, which is mainly generated due to the bentonite volume, results in a more efficient petroleum radiolysis process. Skeletal isomerization and aromatization is prominent in radiolysis of crude oil on clay. The results of hydrocarbon transformations are discussed in terms of the behavior of excited electrons in solids. It was suggested that the reaction path could better explain the reason for the effectiveness of bentonite clay with nanostructures under radiation.



摘要 本研究的目的是研究在伽马射线照射下催化剂表面烃生成的变化。使用动态光散射 (DLS),调查发现这些实验中使用的原始膨润土样品具有纳米结构成分,其粒径范围为 55 ≤ d [nm] ≤175 nm。由于这种结构,所应用的催化剂支持向系统传递最大的能量。这项研究工作的主要目标之一是提高固相吸附束能量向系统的转化效率,并改善原油中的烃类变化反应。在电离辐射下原始膨润土发生的变化可以解释为涉及产生具有辐射缺陷的结构。额外的辐射能量,这主要是由于膨润土体积产生的,导致更有效的石油辐射分解过程。骨架异构化和芳构化在原油在粘土上的辐射分解中很突出。碳氢化合物转化的结果是根据固体中受激电子的行为来讨论的。建议反应路径可以更好地解释具有纳米结构的膨润土在辐射下的有效性的原因。