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Establishment of a longitudinal pre-clinical model of lyssavirus infection.
Journal of Virological Methods ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2020.113882
Kate E Mastraccio 1 , Celeste Huaman 1 , David Warrilow 2 , Greg A Smith 2 , Scott B Craig 2 , Dawn L Weir 1 , Eric D Laing 1 , Ina L Smith 3 , Christopher C Broder 1 , Brian C Schaefer 1

Traditional mouse models of lyssavirus pathogenesis rely on euthanizing large groups of animals at various time points post-infection, processing infected tissues, and performing histological and molecular analyses to determine anatomical sites of infection. While powerful by some measures, this approach is limited by the inability to monitor disease progression in the same mice over time. In this study, we established a novel non-invasive mouse model of lyssavirus pathogenesis, which consists of longitudinal imaging of a luciferase-expressing Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) reporter virus. In vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI) in mice revealed viral spread from a peripheral site of inoculation into the central nervous system (CNS), with kinetically and spatially distinct foci of replication in the footpad, spinal cord, and hindbrain. Detection of virus within the CNS was associated with onset of clinical disease. Quantification of virus-derived luminescent signal in the brain was found to be a reliable measure of viral replication, when compared to traditional molecular methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in vivo imaging of ABLV infection is not restricted to the use of albino strains of mice, but rather strong BLI signal output can be achieved by shaving the hair from the heads and spines of pigmented strains, such as C57BL/6. Overall, our data show that in vivo BLI can be used to rapidly and non-invasively identify sites of lyssavirus replication and to semi-quantitatively determine viral load without the need to sacrifice mice at multiple time points.



狂犬病病毒发病机理的传统小鼠模型依赖于在感染后各个时间点对大批动物实施安乐死,处理被感染的组织以及进行组织学和分子分析以确定感染的解剖部位。尽管通过某些方法功能强大,但该方法受到无法随时间监视同一只小鼠疾病进展的限制。在这项研究中,我们建立了狂犬病病毒发病机制的新型非侵入性小鼠模型,该模型包括表达萤光素酶的澳大利亚蝙蝠狂犬病病毒(ABLV)报告病毒的纵向成像。小鼠体内生物发光成像(BLI)显示病毒从接种的外围部位传播到中枢神经系统(CNS)中,在脚垫,脊髓和后脑中有动力学和空间上不同的复制灶。中枢神经系统内病毒的检测与临床疾病的发作有关。与传统分子方法相比,量化大脑中病毒衍生的发光信号是一种可靠的病毒复制方法。此外,我们证明了ABLV感染的体内成像不仅限于使用白化病小鼠,而且可以通过从色素性菌株(例如C57BL / 6)的头和棘上剃毛来实现强大的BLI信号输出。总体而言,我们的数据表明,体内BLI可用于快速和非侵入性地鉴定狂犬病病毒复制位点并半定量确定病毒载量,而无需在多个时间点处死小鼠。与传统分子方法相比,量化大脑中病毒衍生的发光信号是一种可靠的病毒复制方法。此外,我们证明了ABLV感染的体内成像不仅限于使用白化病小鼠,而且可以通过从色素性菌株(例如C57BL / 6)的头和棘上剃毛来实现强大的BLI信号输出。总体而言,我们的数据表明,体内BLI可用于快速和非侵入性地鉴定狂犬病病毒复制位点并半定量确定病毒载量,而无需在多个时间点处死小鼠。与传统分子方法相比,量化大脑中病毒衍生的发光信号是一种可靠的病毒复制方法。此外,我们证明了ABLV感染的体内成像不仅限于使用白化病小鼠,而且可以通过从色素性菌株(例如C57BL / 6)的头和棘上剃毛来实现强大的BLI信号输出。总体而言,我们的数据表明,体内BLI可用于快速和非侵入性地鉴定狂犬病病毒复制位点并半定量确定病毒载量,而无需在多个时间点处死小鼠。我们证明了ABLV感染的体内成像不仅限于使用白化病小鼠,而是可以通过从色素分离株(例如C57BL / 6)的头部和脊椎剃毛来实现强大的BLI信号输出。总体而言,我们的数据表明,体内BLI可用于快速和非侵入性地鉴定狂犬病病毒复制位点并半定量确定病毒载量,而无需在多个时间点处死小鼠。我们证明了ABLV感染的体内成像不仅限于使用白化病小鼠,而是可以通过从色素分离株(例如C57BL / 6)的头部和脊椎剃毛来实现强大的BLI信号输出。总体而言,我们的数据表明,体内BLI可用于快速和非侵入性地鉴定狂犬病病毒复制位点并半定量确定病毒载量,而无需在多个时间点处死小鼠。