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Does Social Constructionist Curricula Both Decrease Essentialist and Increase Nominalist Beliefs About Race?
Science & Education ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11191-020-00125-7
John Tawa

Increasingly, educators in the biological and social sciences teach about the concept of race from a social constructionist perspective. Scholarship on race pedagogy suggests that to fully appreciate the complexity of race, students must be able to both deconstruct multiple false beliefs about the fixed nature of race (i.e., racial essentialism) and be able to articulate the sociopolitical development of race (i.e., racial nominalism). In this study, a “knowledge in pieces” theory provides a framework for examining students’ learning about multiple beliefs about race. Participants (N = 116) were recruited online and were randomly assigned to watch either a video about the social construction of race or a video about stereotypes. Participants completed multidimensional measures of racial essentialism and racial nominalism before and after watching the videos. As predicted, participants in the social construction video condition showed significantly greater decreases in genotypic and behavioral racial essentialism but surprisingly showed moderate increases in phenotypic essentialism, relative to changes among participants in the stereotype video condition. Moderation analyses explored how changes in racial essentialism were concurrent with changes in racial nominalism, and whether these concurrences depended on which video participants were exposed to; for example, in the social construction video condition only, decreases in genotypic and behavioral essentialism concurred with increases in sociopolitical nominalism. Findings are discussed in light of pedagogical and curricular strategies for teaching the social construction of race.



越来越多的生物和社会科学教育工作者从社会建构主义的角度教授种族概念。种族教育学研究表明,要充分理解种族的复杂性,学生必须能够解构关于种族固定本质(即种族本质主义)的多种错误信念,并能够阐明种族的社会政治发展(即种族唯名论)。在这项研究中,“知识碎片化”理论提供了一个框架,用于检查学生对种族的多种信念的学习情况。参与者(N = 116)是在线招募的,并被随机分配观看关于种族社会建构的视频或关于刻板印象的视频。参与者在观看视频之前和之后完成了种族本质主义和种族唯名主义的多维测量。正如预测的那样,相对于刻板印象视频条件中参与者的变化,社会建构视频条件中的参与者在基因型和行为种族本质主义方面表现出显着降低,但令人惊讶的是,表型本质主义表现出适度增加。适度分析探讨了种族本质主义的变化如何与种族唯名主义的变化同时发生,以及这些同时发生是否取决于参与者所接触的视频;例如,仅在社会建构视频条件下,基因型和行为本质主义的减少与社会政治唯名主义的增加相一致。