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Earth-Like: an education & outreach tool for exploring the diversity of planets like our own
International Journal of Astrobiology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s1473550419000326
Elizabeth J. Tasker , Kana Ishimaru , Nicholas Guttenberg , Julien Foriel

Earth-Like is an interactive website and twitter bot that allows users to explore changes in the average global surface temperature of an Earth-like planet due to variations in the surface oceans and emerged land coverage, rate of volcanism (degassing) and the level of the received solar radiation. The temperature is calculated using a simple carbon–silicate cycle model to change the level of CO2 in the atmosphere based on the chosen parameters. The model can achieve a temperature range exceeding −100°C to 100°C by varying all three parameters, including freeze-thaw cycles for a planet with our present-day volcanism rate and emerged land fraction situated at the outer edge of the habitable zone. To increase engagement, the planet is visualized by using a neural network to render an animated globe, based on the calculated average surface temperature and chosen values for land fraction and volcanism. The website and bot can be found at earthlike.world and on twitter as @earthlikeworld. Initial feedback via a user survey suggested that Earth-Like is effective at demonstrating that minor changes in planetary properties can strongly impact the surface environment. The goal of the project is to increase understanding of the challenges we face in finding another habitable planet due to the likely diversity of conditions on rocky worlds within our Galaxy.



类地是一个交互式网站和 twitter 机器人,它允许用户探索由于地表海洋和新出现的土地覆盖、火山活动(脱气)率和接收到的太阳水平的变化而导致的类地行星全球平均表面温度的变化辐射。使用简单的碳-硅酸盐循环模型计算温度以改变 CO 的水平2根据所选参数在大气中。该模型可以通过改变所有三个参数来实现超过 -100°C 到 100°C 的温度范围,包括具有我们当前火山活动速率的行星的冻融循环和位于可居住区外边缘的出现陆地部分. 为了增加参与度,根据计算的平均地表温度和选择的陆地分数和火山作用值,通过使用神经网络渲染动画地球来可视化地球。该网站和机器人可以在类地世界在推特上作为@earthlikeworld. 通过用户调查获得的初步反馈表明,类地有效地证明行星性质的微小变化会强烈影响地表环境。该项目的目标是加深对我们在寻找另一个宜居星球时面临的挑战的理解,因为我们银河系内岩石世界的条件可能多种多样。