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Validation of a Worst-Case Scenario Method Adapted to the Healthcare Environment for Testing the Antibacterial Effect of Brass Surfaces and Implementation on Hospital Antibiotic-Resistant Strains.
Antibiotics ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-12 , DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics9050245
Emilie Dauvergne 1, 2 , Corinne Lacquemant 2 , Crespin Adjidé 3 , Catherine Mullié 1, 3

The evaluation of antibacterial activity of metal surfaces can be carried out using various published guidelines which do not always agree with each other on technical conditions and result interpretation. Moreover, these technical conditions are sometimes remote from real-life ones, especially those found in health-care facilities, and do not include a variety of antibiotic-resistant strains. A worst-case scenario protocol adapted from published guidelines was validated on two reference strains (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC 13048). This protocol was designed to be as close as possible to a healthcare facility environment, including a much shorter exposure-time than the one recommended in guidelines, and evaluated the impact of parameters such as the method used to prepare inocula, seed on the surface, and recover bacteria following exposure. It was applied to a panel of 12 antibiotic-resistant strains (methicillin resistant, vancomycin-resistant, beta-lactamase, and carbapenemase producing strains as well as efflux pump-overexpressing ones) chosen as representative of the main bacteria causing hospital acquired infections. Within a 5-min exposure time, the tested brass surface displayed an antibacterial effect meeting a reduction cut-off of 99% compared to stainless steel, whatever the resistance mechanism harbored by the bacteria.



可以使用各种公开的准则对金属表面的抗菌活性进行评估,这些准则在技术条件和结果解释上并不总是彼此一致的。而且,这些技术条件有时与现实生活条件相去甚远,尤其是在卫生保健机构中发现的条件,并且不包括各种抗药性菌株。在两个参考菌株(金黄色葡萄球菌ATCC 6538和产气肠杆菌ATCC 13048)上验证了根据已发布指南修改的最坏情况方案。该协议旨在与医疗机构环境尽可能接近,包括比指南中建议的暴露时间短得多的暴露时间,并评估了参数的影响,例如用于制备接种物,种子在表面,并在接触后恢复细菌。它被应用于一组12种抗生素抗性菌株(耐甲氧西林,耐万古霉素,β-内酰胺酶和碳青霉烯酶的菌株,以及外排泵过表达的菌株),作为代表引起医院获得性感染的主要细菌的代表。在5分钟的暴露时间内,测试的黄铜表面显示出抗菌效果,与不锈钢相比,达到了减少99%的截断值,无论细菌具有何种抵抗力机制。