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Specificities of Cortical Processing of Visual Information in Subjects with Hearing Deprivation (Congenital Deafness)
Neurophysiology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11062-020-09828-7
L. I. Yukhymenko , M. Yu. Makarchuk , V. S. Lizogub

In this study, systemic neurophysiological and neuropsychological mechanisms providing processing of visual information in subjects suffering from auditory deprivation were examined. In 30 men (21 to 25 year old) with complete congenital deafness and 30 control normally hearing men of the same age (groups D and C, respectively), cortical visual evoked potentials (VEPs, photostimulation of the right and left eyes by LED flashes, recording from the O1 and O2 loci) and neurodynamic characteristics of processing of visual information within the go/nogo/go paradigm were analyzed. Under conditions of the respective tests, all indices that characterize processing of simple visual information in deaf subjects (including number of processed stimuli, minimum exposure of the signal, and number of errors) were significantly worse than in the control group. It was also found that median values of the latency of the early VEP components (P1, N1, and P2) in group D were significantly smaller than the respective values in group C. At the same time, median latencies of the late VEP waves (N2 and P3) in deaf subjects were significantly greater than the analogous C-group values. Median values of the peak-to-peak amplitudes of all, with no exceptions, VEP components in group D were significantly (two times or even more) smaller than those in control subjects. Patterns of correlations between the indices of visual information processing and time/amplitude parameters of visual VEPs in the examined groups noticeably differed from each other. Thus, specific brain mechanisms responsible for processing of visual information in persons with auditory deprivation and with normal hearing demonstrate significant dissimilarity; central mechanisms of the visual system in deaf subjects undergo considerable cross-modality modifications.



在这项研究中,研究了为听觉剥夺受试者提供视觉信息处理的系统神经生理学和神经心理学机制。在 30 名完全先天性耳聋男性(21 至 25 岁)和 30 名正常听力正常男性(分别为 D 组和 C 组)中,皮质视觉诱发电位(VEP,LED 闪光灯对左右眼的光刺激) ,从 O1 和 O2 基因座记录)和 go/nogo/go 范式中视觉信息处理的神经动力学特征进行了分析。在各自的测试条件下,所有表征聋人对简单视觉信息处理的指标(包括处理刺激的数量、信号的最小暴露量和错误数量)均显着低于对照组。还发现D组早期VEP成分(P1、N1和P2)的潜伏期中值显着小于C组各自的值。同时,晚期VEP波的潜伏期中值( N2 和 P3) 在聋人受试者中显着高于类似的 C 组值。无一例外,D组VEP成分的峰峰值均值均显着(两倍甚至更多)小于对照组。受检组中视觉信息处理指标与视觉 VEP 的时间/幅度参数之间的相关性模式明显不同。因此,听觉剥夺和听力正常的人负责处理视觉信息的特定大脑机制表现出显着的不同;聋人视觉系统的中心机制经历了相当大的跨模式修改。