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Reductions of non-lc ideals and non F-pure ideals assuming weak ordinarity
manuscripta mathematica ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00229-020-01196-0
Axel Stäbler

Assume $X$ is a variety over $\mathbb{C}$, $A \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ is a finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra and $X_A$ a model of $X$ (i.e. $X_A \times_A \mathbb{C} \cong X$). Assuming the weak ordinarity conjecture we show that there is a dense set $S \subseteq \text{Spec } A$ such that for every closed point $s$ of $S$ the reduction of the maximal non-lc ideal filtration $\mathcal{J}'(X, \Delta, \mathfrak{a}^\lambda)$ coincides with the non-$F$-pure ideal filtration $\sigma(X_s, \Delta_s, \mathfrak{a}_s^\lambda)$ provided that $(X, \Delta)$ is klt or if $(X, \Delta)$ is log canonical, $\mathfrak{a}$ is principal and the non-klt locus is contained in $\mathfrak{a}$.


假设弱常态的非 lc 理想和非 F 纯理想的约简

假设 $X$ 是 $\mathbb{C}$ 的变体,$A \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ 是有限生成的 $\mathbb{Z}$-代数,而 $X_A$ 是 $X$ (即 $X_A \times_A \mathbb{C} \cong X$)。假设弱序数猜想,我们表明存在一个密集集 $S \subseteq \text{Spec } A$ 使得对于 $S$ 的每个闭合点 $s$ 的最大非 lc 理想过滤 $\mathcal 的减少{J}'(X, \Delta, \mathfrak{a}^\lambda)$ 与非$F$-纯理想过滤$\sigma(X_s, \Delta_s, \mathfrak{a}_s^\lambda )$ 前提是 $(X, \Delta)$ 是 klt 或者如果 $(X, \Delta)$ 是对数规范,$\mathfrak{a}$ 是主体,并且非 klt 轨迹包含在 $\mathfrak{一个}$。