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The diet of Malagasy dry forest understory birds based on faecal samples
Ostrich ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-05 , DOI: 10.2989/00306525.2019.1661309
Manoa L Faliarivola 1, 2 , Marie J Raherilalao 1, 2 , Aristide Andrianarimisa 1, 3 , Steven M Goodman 2, 4

This study provides data on the diet of understory birds living in the dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar. Samples were collected at three lowland localities: Ankarafantsika National Park in the northwest, the Kirindy forest (Menabe Antimena Protected Harmonious Landscape) in the central west, and Tsimanampesotse National Park in the extreme southwest. Faecal samples from 160 individual birds were analysed and found to include arthropods, plant materials and sand. The most commonly consumed insect orders were Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera, and the most common families were Formicidae (Hymenoptera), Scarabaeidae and Carabidae (Coleoptera). The various bird species showed statistical differences in the families of Insecta represented in their diet, some displaying the dietary regime of specialists and others are generalists.



这项研究提供了生活在马达加斯加西部干燥落叶林中的林下鸟类饮食的数据。在三个低地地区收集了样本:西北部的安卡拉凡蒂卡国家公园,中西部的Kirindy森林(Menabe Antimena保护的和谐景观)和西南部最远的Tsimanampesotse国家公园。分析了来自160只鸟类的粪便样本,发现其中包括节肢动物,植物材料和沙子。最常见的昆虫纲是鞘翅目,膜翅目和半翅目,最常见的科是For科(膜翅目),金龟科和甲壳纲(鞘翅目)。各种鸟类在其饮食中所代表的昆虫纲中显示出统计学差异,一些鸟类显示了专家的饮食习惯,另一些则是通才。
