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Re-visiting the Frank-Starling nexus.
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2020.04.003
June-Chiew Han 1 , Denis Loiselle 2 , Andrew Taberner 3 , Kenneth Tran 1

Well over a century ago, Otto Frank, working at Carl Ludwig’s Institute of Physiology in Munich, studying the isolated, blood-perfused, frog heart preparation, demonstrated that there are two distinct pressure-volume relations in the heart: one for isovolumic twitches and a second (located inferiorly) for afterloaded twitches. Whereas Starling, working at UCL two decades later, referenced Frank’s publication (to the extent of re-printing its seminal Figure), he appeared not to have tested Frank’s finding. Hence, he remained silent with respect to Franks’ contention that cardiac pressure-volume relations are contraction-mode-dependent. Instead, he concluded that “The energy of contraction, however measured, is a function of the length of the muscle fibre” - a conclusion that has become known (at least in the English-speaking world) as ‘Starling’s Law of the Heart’. This provides us with at least three conundra: (i) why did Starling present only one pressure-volume relation whereas Frank had previously found two, (ii) why, then, do we speak of The Frank-Starling relation, and (iii) how did Frank become largely forgotten for twelve decades among English speakers? This review will attempt to address and comment on these conundra.


重新审视 Frank-Starling 的关系。

一个多世纪以前,在慕尼黑卡尔路德维希生理学研究所工作的奥托弗兰克研究分离的、血液灌注的青蛙心脏准备,证明心脏中有两种不同的压力-容积关系:一种用于等容抽搐和第二个(位于下方)用于后负荷抽搐。二十年后在伦敦大学学院工作的斯塔林引用了弗兰克的出版物(重印了其开创性人物的程度),但他似乎没有测试过弗兰克的发现。因此,他对 Franks 的论点保持沉默,即心脏压力-容积关系依赖于收缩模式。相反,他得出的结论是:“无论如何测量,收缩能量都是肌肉纤维长度的函数。”——这个结论(至少在英语世界)被称为' Starling's Law of the Heart'。这为我们提供了至少三个conundra:(一)为什么八哥目前只有一个压力容积关系,而弗兰克此前曾发现了两个,(二)那么,为什么我们说话弗兰克-斯塔林关系,及(iii)十二十年来,弗兰克是如何在讲英语的人中被大部分人遗忘的?本次审查将尝试解决和评论这些难题。
