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Parupeneus williamsi, a new species of goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) endemic to the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia
Ichthyological Research ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-020-00753-7
Shunta Shibuya , Hiroyuki Motomura

A new species of goatfish, Parupeneus williamsi , is described on the basis of 12 specimens (43.9–234.3 mm in standard length) collected from the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia. The species closely resembles Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy and Gaimard 1825 ) in sharing white to yellowish barbels, its tips usually extending beyond the posterior margin of the preopercle, two or three blackish vertical bands (including indistinct bands) on the trunk, and a blackish saddle on the upper caudal peduncle. However, the new species is distinguished from P. multifasciatus by having all of the bands and saddle very indistinct, dense melanophores uniformly distributed on the anal-fin membranes (preserved specimens), upper jaw slightly slender and shorter in specimens larger than 50 mm SL, and slightly longer second anal-fin soft ray. The morphological differences between the two species are supported by a previously published molecular analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences. Although P. multifasciatus is widely distributed in the eastern Indian and Pacific oceans, P. williamsi is endemic to the Marquesas Islands.


Parupeneus williamsi,一种新种的山羊鱼(Perciformes:Mullidae),原产于法属波利尼西亚的马克萨斯群岛

基于从法属波利尼西亚马克萨斯群岛收集的 12 个标本(标准长度为 43.9-234.3 毫米),描述了一种新的山羊鱼品种 Parupeneus williamsi。该物种与 Parupeneus multifasciatus (Quoy and Gaimard 1825 ) 非常相似,共有白色至淡黄色的触须,其尖端通常延伸超出前鳃盖骨的后缘,躯干上有两到三个黑色的垂直带(包括不明显的带),以及一个黑色的马鞍在上尾柄上。然而,新物种与 P. multifasciatus 的区别在于,所有条带和鞍座都非常模糊,致密的黑色素细胞均匀分布在肛鳍膜上(保存标本),在大于 50 毫米 SL 的标本中,上颌略细长且较短,和稍长的第二臀鳍软鳐。先前发表的线粒体细胞色素 b 序列分子分析支持了这两个物种之间的形态差异。虽然 P. multifasciatus 广泛分布于东印度洋和太平洋,但 P. williamsi 是马克萨斯群岛的特有种。