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Response to Swenson and Bärtsch.
Acta Physiologica ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-09 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13494
Milos Gojkovic 1 , Pedro Veliça 1 , Helene Rundqvist 1 , Randall S Johnson 1

We wish to respond to the opinions stated in the accompanying letter regarding our manuscript, “Deregulated hypoxic response in myeloid cells: A model for high‐altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPE)” by Gojkovic et al.

In essence, Swenson and Bärtsch state that the deletion of VHL in myeloid cells cannot be a model for human HAPE because, in their view, human HAPE is in no way an inflammatory syndrome, whereas the mouse model is the result of an inflammatory change in the pulmonary milieu. Our sense here is that the Swenson and Bärtsch's chief concern is that this model is based on a genetic modification of cells within the immune system.

There are a number of points where we disagree with their stated views; some relate to the nature of animal model systems themselves, and some to the nature of HIF response and inflammation. To take these in turn:

Swenson and Bärtsch point out that a small animal model for HAPE has been anticipated by the field and would be broadly useful. We agree. In order to establish model systems for human disease in animal systems, it is critical to understand the nature of both the human physiology underlying the disease, and both the common and divergent physiologies of the relevant animal.

Mice undergo a rapid and uniform onset of pulmonary hypertension, and a remodelling of both pulmonary and cardiac features when exposed to hypoxia (eg1). These phenomena of pulmonary hypertension and tissue remodelling are generally reversible when mice are re‐introduced to normoxic environments.

These responses to hypoxia are not the same as those seen in humans, who do not show the same uniform induction of pulmonary hypertension when exposed to environmental hypoxia, and do not undergo a reversible and extensive hypertensive pulmonary and cardiac remodelling following extended hypoxic exposure.

There are thus fundamental differences in the pulmonary responses to environmental hypoxia in mice and humans. Some investigators might argue that this would make any mouse model for human pulmonary responses to hypoxia irrelevant. We feel that this is a mistake, however, since there are many imperfect mouse models for human disease that are nonetheless informative; mouse models for many cancers, for example, are at best highly imperfect mirrors of the human disease, without being irrelevant for understanding the biology of malignancy or for assessing potential treatments.

Our model for HAPE bypasses hypoxia itself, and introduces a deregulated hypoxic response in a normoxic pulmonary setting; this results in a pulmonary oedema that in many respects mirrors that seen in human HAPE. We believe that this alone makes this a relevant model in mice, with the caveat based on what is stated above, that is, that mice and humans respond quite differently to environmental hypoxia itself.

Other concerns of Swenson and Bärtsch include their noting that we see some number of inflammatory cells in broncho‐alveolar lavage in our model, which they point out only occurs late in some cases of HAPE in humans. Human HAPE has a time course extending from the time of first exposure to hypoxia; whereas a genetic model in mice will show effects from the time of the genetic alteration. Thus, adult mice with this deletion necessarily represent a later stage of the disease than would be seen in an initial clinical presentation of HAPE. This does not mean they are not a useful model for HAPE, although it does mean that they do not represent a model for the full extent of clinical progression of the disease. A relatively simple way to address this in the context of our findings would be to introduce an inducible deletion system, for example with a tamoxifen‐ or tetracycline‐inducible cre recombinase, and trigger the loss of VHL at a specific point in an adult mouse, and then, follow progression. We believe this could well allow a model for the overall progression of HAPE, and a model for its’ earliest stages.

Swenson and Bärtsch also appear to draw some form of equivalence between VHL deletion and HIF activation on the one hand, and inflammation on the other. We would point out that loss of VHL does not directly produce inflammation, and loss of HIF does not completely ablate inflammatory capacity. HIF has a much more subtle role in myeloid cells: it regulates metabolism and survival, changes many proliferative and cytokine responses to inflammatory stimuli, and is, in sum, a key aspect of the inflammatory response.2 But it is far too simplistic to equate loss of VHL, and thus increased HIF, solely with inflammation,or with the direct induction of an inflammatory state. The loss of VHL in myeloid cells is a molecular surrogate for a deregulated hypoxic response in those cells; a response that would likely occur in a state of environmental hypoxia.

We do not argue here or in our published findings that simply increasing pulmonary inflammation would create a model for HAPE; if Swenson and Bärtsch believe that is what we are stating, and is what occurs in this model, we can understand their objection to our characterizing it as such.

We do believe that myeloid cells can contribute to alterations in physiology that are far more complex than those following the simple triggering of a gross inflammatory response. The physiological alterations that characterize this mouse model are, we believe, quite possibly an underlying factor in human HAPE. Our data indicate that changes in myeloid cell response to hypoxia can affect pulmonary physiology; this is likely true regardless of the presence or absence of myeloid cells in a broncho‐alveolar lavage. We believe a more subtle understanding of myeloid cells will better illuminate the biology of many diseases and dysfunctions; and we feel our published findings indicate that HAPE may well be amongst these.














