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Reproductive anatomy and receptivity of the female Cyrtograpsus angulatus (Brachyura: Varunidae): Implications for the mating system
Zoologischer Anzeiger ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.04.001
Martín I. Lorusso , María P. Sal Moyano , María A. Gavio , Colin L. McLay

The study of the functional anatomy of the female reproductive organs of Brachyura is often used in the classification and establishment of phylogenetic relationships. Besides, it allows us to draw inferences about the reproductive strategies and mating systems of crabs. Using histology and scanning electron microscopy we assessed the reproductive biology of Cyrtograpsus angulatus females by studying: the vulvae morphology, the receptive period duration, the spawning capacity and its relation to the seminal receptacle weight or carapace width, and the anatomy of the seminal receptacle. The vagina was of the concave type with an operculate vulva whose hinge became mobile when the female was receptive. The presence of striae in the vulvae hinge were related to the carapace width and maturity stage. Receptivity occurred during the intermolt period and lasted from 5 to 7 days. The duration of receptivity was independent of the seminal receptacle weight. Large females had seminal receptacles full of sperm and more frequently spawned a brood of eggs compared to small females. The seminal receptacle showed a threshold filling capacity. The histological anatomy of the seminal receptacle corresponds to the general pattern described for other Brachyura. A ventral connection of the ovary to the seminal receptacle was found. The presence of an oviduct valve at the junction of the ovary and the seminal receptacle was evident in non receptive females, but not evident in receptive ones. The seminal receptacle contained an unstructured mass of sperm with no evidence of separate ejaculates. As a result, a female centered competitive mating system is suggested in this species.


雌性Cyrtograpsus angulatus(Brachyura:Varunidae)的生殖解剖和接受能力:对交配系统的影响

Brachyura雌性生殖器官的功能解剖学研究通常用于系统发育关系的分类和建立。此外,它使我们可以推断出螃蟹的繁殖策略和交配系统。使用组织学和扫描电子显微镜,我们评估了Cyrtograpsus angulatus的生殖生物学女性通过研究:外阴形态,接受期长短,产卵量及其与精囊重量或背甲宽度的关系,以及精囊的解剖结构。阴道为凹形,有可操作的外阴,当女性接受时,其铰链活动。外阴铰链中条纹的存在与甲壳的宽度和成熟阶段有关。接受性发生在蜕皮期,持续5至7天。接受的持续时间与精囊的重量无关。大型雌性的精子容器充满了精子,与小型雌性相比,它们更频繁地产卵。精液容器显示出阈值填充能力。精囊的组织学解剖学对应于其他Brachyura所描述的一般模式。发现卵巢与精囊的腹侧连接。在非接受性雌性中,卵巢和精囊的交界处存在输卵管瓣膜,但在非接受性雌性中则不明显。精液容器中含有无结构的精子,没有单独射精的迹象。结果,在该物种中建议以雌性为中心的竞争交配系统。精液容器中含有无结构的精子,没有单独射精的迹象。结果,在该物种中建议以雌性为中心的竞争交配系统。精液容器中含有无结构的精子,没有单独射精的迹象。结果,在该物种中建议以雌性为中心的竞争交配系统。
