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Acanthocephalan parasites collected from Austrian fishes: molecular barcoding and pathological observations.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.3354/dao03471
Eva Lewisch 1 , Viktoria Solymos , Karoline Waldner , Lara van der Vloedt , Josef Harl , Karin Bakran-Lebl , Mansour El-Matbouli , Hans-Peter Fuehrer

ABSTRACT: Acanthocephalan parasites were collected from the intestinal tracts of 137 predominantly wild fish (1 barbel Barbus barbus, 3 European chub Squalius cephalus, 13 rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and 120 brown trout Salmo trutta) from 12 localities. The condition factor, intensity of acanthocephalan infection and pathological lesions, if applicable, were documented. Routine bacteriology and virology were performed, and the brown trout were additionally tested for the presence of the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsolioides bryosalmonae by PCR. In total, 113 acanthocephalans were barcoded by sequencing a section of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Barcoding of the acanthocephalan tissues resulted in 77 sequences, of which 56 were assigned to Echinorhynchus truttae (3 genotypes), 11 to Pomphorhynchus tereticollis (9 genotypes), 9 to Acanthocephalus sp. (5 genotypes) and 1 to Neoechinorhynchida. Most of these genotypes were detected for the first time. Statistically, the acanthocephalan infection did not have an impact on the condition factor of the brown trout. Infection with P. tereticollis caused more severe pathological changes in the digestive tract than E. truttae. The present study provides new data regarding the distribution of acanthocephalan species in Austria and their impact on individual fish. In addition, new barcoding data from acanthocephalan parasites are presented, and the occurrence of P. tereticollis in European chub in Austria and in brown and rainbow trout in general was confirmed for the first time.



摘要:从十二个地区的137条主要是野生鱼(1条Barbel Barbus barbus,3条欧洲鱼Squalius cephalus,13条虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss和120条褐鳟鳟鱼Salmo trutta)的肠道收集了棘头鱼寄生虫。记录条件因素,棘脑感染强度和病理病变(如果适用)。进行常规细菌学和病毒学检查,并另外测试褐鳟鳟鱼中是否存在粘虫寄生虫苔藓沙门氏菌通过PCR。通过对一部分线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因进行测序,总共对113个棘头动物进行了条形码编码。刺脑组织的条形码编码产生了77个序列,其中56个被分配给truchin truttae(3个基因型),11个被分配给糖败血性(9个基因型),9个被分配给Acanthocephalus sp。(5个基因型)和1个为新棘鱼。这些基因型大多数是首次检测到。从统计学上讲,棘脑感染对褐鳟的病因没有影响。戊二酸单胞菌感染引起的消化道病理变化比杜氏大肠杆菌更严重。本研究提供了有关在奥地利的棘头鱼物种分布及其对单个鱼类的影响的新数据。此外,还提供了来自棘头虫寄生虫的新条码数据,并首次确认了在奥地利的欧洲中以及一般在褐鳟和虹鳟鱼中出现了P. tereticollis