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Unrecognized diversity of Trocheta species (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae): resolving a century-old taxonomic problem in Crimean leeches
Systematics and Biodiversity ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2020.1739776
Andrii Khomenko 1 , Serge Utevsky 1 , Andriy Utevsky 1 , Peter Trontelj 2

Erpobdellid leeches of the genus Trocheta are among the biggest and most charismatic members of their class. The studies of the group have a long and complicated history due to the lack of reliable distinguishing features, which impedes the taxonomy of the genus. A number of Trocheta species have been misclassified for years if not centuries. Our present research demonstrates that the genus Trocheta is characterized by high cryptic diversity since some populations that have been viewed as the same species should be, in fact, assigned to different species. Trocheta leeches from the Dniester basin and the Crimean Peninsula have been both confused with each other and erroneously assigned to species that do not occur in southern Ukraine. Here, a new species from the Crimean Peninsula, Trocheta blanchardi sp. nov., is described based on a phylogenetic analysis of cox1 gene sequences and a reassessment of morphological characters such as colouration, annulation, size and arrangement of papillae, and genital anatomy. The analysis suggests close relationships of T. blanchardi sp. nov. to Anatolian species. Given its fragile habitats and restricted range, the species needs serious protection and further surveys. Obviously, more species await description as is evident from the significant genetic differences between leech populations. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8610460D-862B-4F28-8520-5C8D11AEB015


Trocheta 物种的未被识别的多样性(Hirudinea:Erpobdellidae):解决克里米亚水蛭的百年分类问题

Trocheta 属的 Erpobdellid 水蛭是同类中最大和最具魅力的成员之一。由于缺乏可靠的区分特征,该类群的研究历史悠久而复杂,阻碍了该属的分类。许多 Trocheta 物种已被错误分类多年,甚至几个世纪。我们目前的研究表明 Trocheta 属具有高度隐秘的多样性,因为一些被视为同一物种的种群实际上应该分配给不同的物种。来自德涅斯特盆地和克里米亚半岛的 Trocheta 水蛭被相互混淆,并被错误地归为乌克兰南部没有的物种。在这里,来自克里米亚半岛的一个新物种 Trocheta blanchardi sp。十一月,描述基于 cox1 基因序列的系统发育分析和形态特征的重新评估,如着色、环化、乳头的大小和排列,以及生殖器解剖。分析表明 T. blanchardi sp. 的密切关系。十一月 到安纳托利亚物种。鉴于其脆弱的栖息地和有限的范围,该物种需要得到认真的保护和进一步的调查。显然,从水蛭种群之间的显着遗传差异可以明显看出,更多的物种有待描述。http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8610460D-862B-4F28-8520-5C8D11AEB015 到安纳托利亚物种。鉴于其脆弱的栖息地和有限的范围,该物种需要得到认真的保护和进一步的调查。显然,从水蛭种群之间的显着遗传差异可以明显看出,更多的物种有待描述。http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8610460D-862B-4F28-8520-5C8D11AEB015 到安纳托利亚物种。鉴于其脆弱的栖息地和有限的范围,该物种需要得到认真的保护和进一步的调查。显然,从水蛭种群之间的显着遗传差异可以明显看出,更多的物种有待描述。http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8610460D-862B-4F28-8520-5C8D11AEB015