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Application of infrared thermography to determine the correlation between skin temperature and onset of graft versus host disease in patients after bone marrow transplantation: A preliminary study
International Journal of Thermal Sciences ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106350
Barbara Marchetti , Mariella Leporini , Francesco Corvaro , Attilio Olivieri , Mehrnaz Ighani , Martina Chiarucci

Abstract Starting from the data collected on six patients with various types of hematological diseases that have received a bone marrow transplant, this study investigates the onset of GVHD (Graft versus Host Disease). The disease is linked to bone marrow transplantation and is caused by the immune cells (white blood cells) of the donor that attack the recipient's tissues (host). This causes damage to different areas of the body, such as liver, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin. The latter turns red in some areas. The irritation of the skin leads to increased cutaneous temperature. This variation allows the study of the disease through thermography. The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the influence of GVHD on skin temperature to find an alternative method of diagnosis or support the current diagnostic process that could detect the disease before the normal clinical diagnosis with the advantages deriving from the utilization of thermography. The results obtained in this preliminary study showed a correlation between the skin temperature measured with a thermal camera and the onset of skin involvement in patients after bone marrow transplantation. The technique would bring benefits both to the patient, being non-invasive and not demanding at the time level, and to the health care system as it is economical and easily applied.



摘要 从接受骨髓移植的 ​​6 名患有各种类型血液病的患者的数据开始,本研究调查了 GVHD(移植物抗宿主病)的发病情况。这种疾病与骨髓移植有关,是由捐赠者的免疫细胞(白细胞)攻击接受者的组织(宿主)引起的。这会对身体的不同部位造成损害,例如肝脏、粘膜、胃肠道、肺和皮肤。后者在某些区域变成红色。皮肤的刺激导致皮肤温度升高。这种变化允许通过热成像研究疾病。这项前瞻性研究的目的是评估 GVHD 对皮肤温度的影响,以找到一种替代的诊断方法或支持当前的诊断过程,该方法可以在正常临床诊断之前检测到疾病,并利用热成像的优势。在这项初步研究中获得的结果表明,用热像仪测量的皮肤温度与骨髓移植后患者皮肤受累的发生之间存在相关性。该技术将给患者带来好处,因为它是非侵入性的并且在时间层面上没有要求,并且因为它经济且易于应用而给医疗保健系统带来好处。在这项初步研究中获得的结果表明,用热像仪测量的皮肤温度与骨髓移植后患者皮肤受累的发生之间存在相关性。该技术将给患者带来好处,因为它是非侵入性的,并且在时间层面上没有要求,并且因为它经济且易于应用而给医疗保健系统带来好处。在这项初步研究中获得的结果表明,用热像仪测量的皮肤温度与骨髓移植后患者皮肤受累的发生之间存在相关性。该技术将给患者带来好处,因为它是非侵入性的并且在时间层面上没有要求,并且因为它经济且易于应用而给医疗保健系统带来好处。