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Comparing measures of urban food security in Accra, Ghana
Food Security ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s12571-020-01011-4
Cascade Tuholske , Kwaw Andam , Jordan Blekking , Tom Evans , Kelly Caylor

The urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to expand by nearly 800 million people in the next 30 years. How this rapid urban transition is affecting household-level urban food security, and reverberating into broader food systems, is poorly understood. To fill this gap, we use data from a 2017 survey ( n = 668) of low- and middle-income residents of Accra, Ghana, to characterize and compare the predictors of household-level food security using three established metrics: the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS); the Household Food Insecurity Access Prevalence (HFIAP); and the Food Consumption Score (FCS). According to HFIAP, 70% of sampled households are food insecure, but only 2% fall below acceptable thresholds measured by FCS. Only one household reported sourcing food from modern supermarkets and fewer than 3% produce food for consumption through gardening, farming, or fishing. Instead, households rely on purchased food from traditional markets, local stalls and kiosks, and street hawkers. Results from a suite of general linear models show that household assets, education, and demographic characteristics are significantly associated with food security outcomes according to HFIAS and HFIAP. The poor correlation and weak model agreement between dietary recall such as FCS, and experience-based food security metrics, like HFIAS and HFIAP, highlight limitations of employing historically rural-centric food security measurement approaches within the urban context. Given that Sub-Saharan Africa’s future is urban, our results add empirical evidence in support of the growing chorus of scholars advocating for comprehensive urban-oriented food security research and policy agendas across Sub-Saharan Africa.



预计未来 30 年,撒哈拉以南非洲的城市人口将增加近 8 亿。这种快速的城市转型如何影响家庭层面的城市粮食安全,并影响到更广泛的粮食系统,人们知之甚少。为了填补这一空白,我们使用了 2017 年对加纳阿克拉中低收入居民的调查 (n = 668) 的数据,使用三个既定指标来描述和比较家庭层面粮食安全的预测因素:家庭粮食不安全访问量表(HFIAS);家庭粮食不安全获取流行率 (HFIAP);和食品消费评分 (FCS)。根据 HFIAP,70% 的抽样家庭粮食不安全,但只有 2% 低于 FCS 衡量的可接受阈值。只有一个家庭报告称从现代超市采购食物,而通过园艺、耕种或捕鱼生产食用的食物的家庭不足 3%。相反,家庭依赖从传统市场、当地摊位和售货亭以及街头小贩购买的食物。根据 HFIAS 和 HFIAP,一套通用线性模型的结果表明,家庭资产、教育和人口特征与粮食安全结果显着相关。FCS 等膳食召回与 HFIAS 和 HFIAP 等基于经验的粮食安全指标之间的相关性差和模型一致性差,突出了在城市环境中采用历史上以农村为中心的粮食安全衡量方法的局限性。鉴于撒哈拉以南非洲的未来是城市,