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Gone with the wind: Is signal timing in a neotropical katydid an adaptive response to variation in wind-induced vibratory noise?
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00265-020-02842-z
Estefania Velilla , Matías Muñoz , Nicol Quiroga , Laurel Symes , Hannah M. ter Hofstede , Rachel A. Page , Ralph Simon , Jacintha Ellers , Wouter Halfwerk

Abstract Wind, a major source of environmental noise, forces invertebrates that communicate with plant-borne vibrations to adjust their signaling when communicating in windy conditions. However, the strategies that animals use to reduce the impact of wind noise on communication are not well studied. We investigated the effects of wind on the production of tremulatory signals in the neotropical katydid Copiphora brevirostris . First, we recorded katydid signaling activity and natural wind variation in the field. Additionally, we exposed katydid couples during their most active signaling time period to artificial wind of different levels, and we recorded the number of tremulations produced by the males. We found that wind levels are at their lowest between 2:00 and 5:00 in the morning, which coincides with peak signaling period for male katydids. Furthermore, we found that males produce significantly fewer tremulations when exposed to wind rather than acoustic noise or silence. Wind velocity significantly affected the number of tremulations produced during the wind treatment, with fewer tremulations produced with higher wind velocities. Our results show that katydids can time their vibratory signaling both in the short- and long-term to favorable sensory conditions, either through behavioral flexibility in response to short-term fluctuations in wind or as a result of an evolutionary process in response to predictable periods of low-wind conditions. Significance statement Animal communication can be hampered by noise across all sensory modalities. Most research on the effects of noise and the strategies to cope with it has focused on animals that use airborne sounds to communicate. However, although hundreds of thousands of invertebrates communicate with vibrational signals, we know very little about how noise affects this form of communication. For animals that rely on substrate-borne vibrations, wind represents the major source of environmental noise. Wind velocity levels can be predictable at a long-term scale (hours) but rather unpredictable at a short time scale (seconds). Both scales of variation are important for communication. Using a combination of field observations and lab experiments, we investigated the strategies used by a neotropical katydid Copiphora brevirostris to cope with vibrational noise induced by wind. Our results demonstrate that C. brevirostris times its signals at the long- and short-term range. Katydids signaled more at the times at night when wind velocity was lowest. Moreover, when exposed to wind gusts during their peak time of activity, katydids signaled more during the wind-free gaps.



摘要 风是环境噪声的主要来源,它迫使与植物振动进行通信的无脊椎动物在有风的条件下进行通信时调整它们的信号。然而,动物用来减少风噪声对交流影响的策略还没有得到很好的研究。我们研究了风对新热带 katydid Copiphora brevirostris 产生的颤动信号的影响。首先,我们记录了田野中的 katydid 信号活动和自然风变化。此外,我们将 katydid 夫妇在其最活跃的信号时间段暴露于不同级别的人造风中,并记录了雄性产生的颤抖次数。我们发现,早上 2:00 到 5:00 之间的风力水平处于最低水平,这与雄性 katydids 的信号高峰期相吻合。此外,我们发现,当暴露在风中而不是噪音或沉默中时,雄性产生的颤抖明显更少。风速显着影响风处理过程中产生的颤动次数,风速越高产生的颤动次数越少。我们的研究结果表明,katydids 可以通过响应短期风波动的行为灵活性或响应可预测时期的进化过程,将短期和长期的振动信号定时到有利的感官条件的低风条件。意义声明 所有感官方式的噪音都会阻碍动物交流。大多数关于噪音影响和应对策略的研究都集中在使用空气传播的声音进行交流的动物身上。然而,尽管成千上万的无脊椎动物通过振动信号进行交流,但我们对噪音如何影响这种交流方式知之甚少。对于依赖基板振动的动物来说,风是环境噪声的主要来源。风速水平可以在长期尺度(小时)内预测,但在短时间尺度(秒)内则不可预测。两种变化尺度对于交流都很重要。我们结合实地观察和实验室实验,研究了新热带 katydid Copiphora brevirostris 用于应对风引起的振动噪声的策略。我们的结果表明 C. brevirostris 在长期和短期范围内对其信号进行计时。Katydids 在夜间风速最低的时候发出更多信号。而且,