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Discrimination of four Canadian-French vowels by native Canadian-English listeners.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1121/10.0001180
Félix Desmeules-Trudel 1 , Marc F Joanisse 1

Discrimination of Canadian French /y/, /u/, /ɑ/, and /e/ by native Canadian-English listeners was investigated to determine if patterns found in standard varieties of French (as explained by the Perceptual Assimilation Model) could be replicated in Canadian French. Front-rounded /y/ paired with /u/ was the focus of investigation, as well as other (control) pairs. It was found that /y/-/u/ was the most difficult to discriminate as compared to other pairs, but that listeners were sensitive to the contrast, which replicates previous findings in European French. Results are explained as a mix of instances of single-category and category-goodness assimilation patterns.



调查了加拿大本地英语听众对加拿大法语/ y /,/ u /,/ɑ/和/ e /的区分,以确定是否可以复制标准法语版本中的模式(如感知同化模型所解释)用加拿大法语。前舍入的/ y /与/ u /配对是其他研究(控制)对的重点。与其他对相比,发现/ y /-/ u /是最难区分的,但是听众对这种对比很敏感,这种对比在欧洲法语中重复了以前的发现。结果被解释为单一类别类别-良好同化模式实例的混合。