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A preliminary analysis of the costs and benefits of the biological control agent Dactylopius opuntiae on Opuntia stricta in Laikipia County, Kenya
BioControl ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s10526-020-10018-x
Arne B. R. Witt , Winnie Nunda , Fernadis Makale , Kathryn Reynolds

Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw (Cactaceae) is invasive in Laikipia County, Kenya, impacting negatively on biodiversity and livelihoods. To control this invasive plant the biocontrol agent Dactylopius opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hemiptera; Dactylopiidae) ‘stricta’ biotype was released in 2014. A preliminary once-off survey to determine the impact of the cochineal revealed that it had contributed to a significant reduction in the number of cladodes, flowers and fruit of plants with cochineal. Fruits that were produced on plants with the cochineal were also smaller and had fewer seeds. Although still preliminary, an analysis of the costs of implementing this biocontrol programme indicates that it is the most cost-effective management intervention compared to physical and/or chemical control. Although the impact of the cochineal is still fairly localized we are confident that it will establish in much of the invaded range and reduce the impacts of the invasive cactus, consequently improving rangeland condition and livelihoods.



仙人掌(Haw。)山楂(仙人掌科)在肯尼亚的莱基皮亚县具有入侵性,对生物多样性和生计产生负面影响。为了控制这种入侵植物,需要使用生物防治剂仙人掌(Dactylopius opuntiae)(Cockerell)(Hemiptera; Dactylopiidae)'stricta'生物型于2014年发布。初步的一次性调查确定了胭脂虫的影响,结果表明该植物显着减少了枝簇,花朵和果实的数量。与胭脂虫。具有胭脂红的植物上产生的果实也较小,种子较少。尽管仍是初步的,但对实施该生物防治计划的成本的分析表明,与物理和/或化学控制相比,它是最具成本效益的管理干预措施。尽管胭脂膜的影响仍相当局限,但我们有信心它将在许多受侵袭的范围内建立并减少仙人掌入侵的影响,从而改善牧场状况和生计。