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Non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) as indicator species group of habitat types
Aquatic Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10452-020-09757-x
Okan Külköylüoğlu , Derya Akdemir , Mehmet Yavuzatmaca

To understand interactions between ecological properties of ostracod species and the habitat types, 89 different aquatic bodies with nine different habitat types were randomly visited in Artvin province, Turkey. A total of 24 taxa, all new for the province, were found from 62 sites. Shannon–Weaver alpha diversity of the numbers of species value was higher (3.972) than the mean index value of all samples (2.945) with relatively low standard error (0.264). Six species (Psychrodromus olivaceus, P. fontinalis, Heterocypris incongruens, Potamocypris fulva, P. fallax and Ilyocypris bradyi) encountered most frequently contributed more than 90% of diversity in four different habitat types (lake, creek, trough and canal) of 11 sampling sites. Two positive co-occurrences (p < 0.05) were found for P. olivaceusI. bradyi, and P. olivaceusI. inermis. Canonical correspondence analyses explained 60.5% of the variance between 12 asexual species and environmental variables. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and elevation were the most predictive variables for species found in five different habitats (lake, creek, trough, canal and ditch). Ordination on the first axis of the species negative filter method characterized the sites (samples) by the presence of rare (negative indicators) and common (positive indicator) species in opposite ends. According to TWINSPAN analysis, these species as the key members (indicators) of that particular habitat(s) can be used to distinguish characteristics of habitats. Overall, multiple regression models suggested that rather than focusing on one particular species, two or more ostracod species or the so-called indicator species group can also be used for habitat type(s) and/or aquatic condition(s).



为了了解类物种的生态特性与栖息地类型之间的相互作用,在土耳其阿尔特温省随机访问了89种具有9种不同栖息地类型的水生生物。从62个地点中发现了总共24个全省新的分类单元。Shannon–Weaver物种数量的α多样性值(3.972)高于所有样本的平均指数值(2.945),且标准误差相对较低(0.264)。六种(Psychrodromus鲆PHeterocypris incongruensPotamocypris叶霉病菌PIlyocypris bradyi)在11个采样点的四种不同生境类型(湖泊,小河,水槽和运河)中最经常遇到的生物贡献了90%以上的多样性。 发现P出现两个阳性同时出现(p <0.05)。olivaceusbradyi,和Polivaceus无形。典型的对应分析解释了12种无性物种与环境变量之间60.5%的方差。水温,溶解氧和海拔高度是在五个不同生境(湖泊,小河,低谷,运河和沟渠)中发现的物种的最预测变量。物种阴性过滤器方法第一轴上的排序通过在相反的末端存在稀有(阴性指示剂)和常见(阳性指示剂)物种来表征位点(样本)。根据TWINSPAN分析,这些物种是该特定生境的关键成员(指标),可以用来区分生境的特征。总体而言,多种回归模型表明,与其关注某一特定物种,不如关注