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GPU-accelerated uncapacitated facility location and semi-dense SymStereo pipelines for piecewise-planar-based 3D reconstruction
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11554-020-00974-z
Carlos Graca , Carolina Raposo , Joao P. Barreto , Urbano Nunes , Gabriel Falcao

Planar 3D reconstruction presents advantages over point cloud representations. This work focuses on the acceleration of piecewise-planar-based 3D reconstruction, a StereoScan method. We identify the SymStereo (logN) and uncapacitated facility location (UFL) algorithms as the most computationally expensive tasks, consuming nearly 80 × of total runtime, when detecting planes in a single stereo pair on a sequential CPU pipeline. Consequently, these algorithms have been parallelized using single- and multi-GPU architectures to perform significantly faster than previous sequential approaches. Experimental results show that accelerated parallel implementations of SymStereo (logN) can process up to 56 frames per second, achieving a speedup of 38 × against the sequential C implementation (Intel Core i7-4790k). The parallel version of the message-passing algorithm (max-sum) for the UFL problem processes up to five matrices per second and outperforms the sequential C baseline for computing UFL by 38 ×.



平面3D重建具有优于点云表示的优势。这项工作集中在加速基于分段平面的3D重建(StereoScan方法)上。我们将SymStereo(log N)和无能力设施定位(UFL)算法确定为计算上最昂贵的任务,当在顺序CPU管道上的单个立体声对中检测平面时,将消耗总运行时间的近80倍。因此,这些算法已经使用单GPU和多GPU架构进行了并行化,以比以前的顺序方法更快地执行。实验结果表明,SymStereo的并行加速实现(日志N)可以每秒处理多达56帧,相对于顺序C实现(Intel Core i7-4790k)可以达到38倍的加速。用于UFL问题的消息传递算法(最大和)的并行版本每秒处理多达5个矩阵,并且比连续C基线计算UFL的性能高38×。
