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Food-based strategies for prevention of vitamin D deficiency as informed by vitamin D dietary guidelines, and consideration of minimal-risk UVB radiation exposure in future guidelines.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1039/c9pp00462a
Kevin D Cashman 1

There is widespread acknowledgement of the presence of vitamin D deficiency in the community and the pressing need to address this. From a public health perspective, emphasis has been placed on addressing vitamin D deficiency through dietary means. However, naturally rich food sources of vitamin D are few and infrequently consumed, and nutrition survey data from various countries have indicated that habitual vitamin D intakes in the community are much lower than the current vitamin D dietary guidelines. This review will briefly overview the extent of vitamin D deficiency within the community, its causes, and how our food chain, once its embraces the evidence-based practise of food fortification and potentially biofortification, can cater for meeting the dietary vitamin D needs of the community. Finally, international authorities, briefed with establishing vitamin D dietary guidelines over the past decade, have struggled with uncertainties and gaps in our understanding of the relative contribution of sunshine and diet to vitamin D status and vitamin D requirements for health maintenance. The review will also consider how emerging evidence of a possible minimal-risk UVB radiation exposure relative to skin cancer that also enables vitamin D production could greatly inform future vitamin D dietary guidelines.



人们普遍承认社区中存在维生素D缺乏症,并且迫切需要解决这一问题。从公共卫生的角度来看,重点已放在通过饮食手段解决维生素D缺乏症上。但是,天然富含维生素D的食物来源很少且很少食用,并且来自各个国家的营养调查数据表明,社区中习惯性的维生素D摄入量远低于当前的维生素D饮食指南。这篇综述将简要概述社区中维生素D缺乏的程度,原因以及我们的食物链,一旦采用了循证食品强化和潜在的生物强化实践,便可以满足人们饮食中维生素D的需求。社区。最后,国际当局 在了解过去十年建立维生素D饮食指南的过程中,我们一直在不确定性和差距方面挣扎,我们对日照和饮食对维生素D状况和维持健康所需的维生素D的相对贡献的理解不尽相同。这篇综述还将考虑与皮肤癌有关的可能的最小风险的UVB辐射暴露的新证据,这些证据也可以使维生素D的产生极大地有助于将来的维生素D饮食指南。