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Basic metrology for 2020
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1109/mim.2020.9082793
Richard Davis 1 , Stephan Schlamminger 2

2019 was a big year for metrology. The international system of units was revised on World Metrology Day, May 20th, that year [1]. What will 2020 bring? In this article we discuss five promising advances that we have on a watchlist for 2020. First, we describe the measurement of volume and gas pressure using electromagnetic waves. These measurements rely on the fixed value of the speed of light in vacuum c0. We then pivot to the Planck constant h. SI traceable measurements of mass and force can be obtained from h. Interesting developments are coming in mass metrology since the definition changed from the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram to the value of the Planck constant. Adding the elementary charge e to h gives access to resistance and impedance measurements via the quantum Hall effect. This has been a very interesting field for some time, since the discovery of graphene in 2004. The last section explains how the noise across a resistor can be used to measure thermodynamic temperature. As will be shown, the temperature can be linked to the quotient of the Boltzmann constant kB and the Planck constant.


2020 年基础计量学

2019 年是计量学的重要一年。国际单位制于当年 5 月 20 日世界计量日进行了修订[1]。2020年会带来什么?在本文中,我们讨论了 2020 年观察名单上的五个有希望的进展。首先,我们描述了使用电磁波测量体积和气压的方法。这些测量依赖于真空中光速 c0 的固定值。然后我们转向普朗克常数 h。质量和力的 SI 可溯源测量值可以从 h 获得。质量计量学出现了有趣的发展,因为定义从国际千克原体的质量变为普朗克常数的值。将基本电荷 e 添加到 h 可以通过量子霍尔效应进行电阻和阻抗测量。自从 2004 年发现石墨烯以来,这一直是一个非常有趣的领域。最后一部分解释了如何使用电阻器上的噪声来测量热力学温度。如下所示,温度可以与玻尔兹曼常数 kB 和普朗克常数的商相关联。