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Potential mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors of Dirofilaria immitis from residential entryways in Northeast Arkansas.
Veterinary Parasitology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2020.109105
Sofija Todorovic 1 , Tanja McKay 1

The nematode Dirofilaria immitis causes serious disease of canines in the United States. Transmitted by a variety of mosquito species, several studies have examined the prevalence of D. immitis in mosquitoes. However, no prevalence studies have focused on diurnal mosquitoes that could potentially enter homes. Mosquitoes were collected under doorway awnings at four residences to identify the diurnal blood-feeding mosquito species and prevalence of potential vectors harboring D. immitis in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mosquitoes were collected from May to December 2016 using pheromone traps and aerial nets. Each mosquito was individually dissected and observed for larvae in the head, thorax, and abdomen to identify infective and non-infective larvae. Ten mosquito species from five genera were identified. Larvae, presumed to be D. immitis, were observed in five mosquito species, including Aedes albopictus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Culiseta inornata, and Psorophora columbiae and four genera, including Anopheles spp., Culex spp., Culiseta spp., and Psorophora spp. The diurnal mosquito, Ae. albopictus composed 3.4% of the total mosquitoes collected. An. quadrimaculatus and Anopheles spp. were the most abundant mosquitoes, composing 59.7 and 19.6% of the total mosquitoes collected, respectively. Of the 536 mosquitoes dissected, 60 (11.2%) were observed with D. immitis, and 33 (55.0%) of the heartworm-positive mosquitoes harbored infective (L3) larvae in the head or proboscis upon dissection. The high proportion of infective D. immitis larvae found in the mosquitoes aggregating under doorway awnings may increase the exposure of indoor dogs and cats to heartworm disease in northeast Arkansas.



线虫Dirofilaria炎在美国引起犬的严重疾病。由各种蚊子传播,几项研究检查了蚊子中D. immitis的患病率。但是,尚无流行病学研究集中于可能进入家庭的昼夜蚊子。在四个住所的门口遮阳篷下收集了蚊子,以鉴定其每日采血的蚊子种类以及在阿肯色州琼斯伯勒市藏有D. immitis的潜在媒介的盛行。从2016年5月至2016年12月,使用信息素捕获器和空中网收集蚊子。将每只蚊子单独解剖并观察其头部,胸部和腹部的幼虫,以识别感染性和非感染性幼虫。从五个属中鉴定出十种蚊子。幼虫,可能是D.肠炎,在五个蚊种中观察到了它们,包括白纹伊蚊,四按蚊,库蚊,五倍体库蚊,库蚊和蚊(Psorophora columbiae),以及四属,包括按蚊属,库克斯属,库蚊属和蚊属。日间蚊,大江。白化病占蚊子总数的3.4%。一个。Quadrimaculatus和按蚊属。是最丰富的蚊子,分别占蚊子总数的59.7和19.6%。在解剖的536只蚊子中,观察到60例(11.2%)感染了D. immitis,33例(55.0%)的heart虫阳性蚊子在解剖时头部或长鼻具有感染性(L3)幼虫。传染性D的比例很高。