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Process‐based assessment of success and failure in a constructed riffle‐pool river restoration project
River Research and Applications ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/rra.3636
Elli Papangelakis 1 , Bruce MacVicar 1

Although there is increasing consensus that river restoration should focus on restoring processes rather than form, proven techniques to design and monitor projects for sediment transport processes are lacking. This study monitors bedload transport and channel morphology in a rural, an urban unrestored, and an urban restored reach. Objectives are to compare bedload transport regimes, assess the stability and self‐maintenance of constructed riffle‐pool sequences, and evaluate the impact of the project on coarse sediment continuity in the creek. Sediment tracking is done using radio frequency identification tracers and morphologic change is assessed from repeated cross‐section surveys. Mean annual velocity is used to quantify the average downstream velocity of tracers, defined as the mean overall tracer travel length divided by the total study duration. The channel reconstruction slows down the downstream velocity of particles in the D75 and D90 size classes, but does not significantly change the velocity of particles in the D50 size class or smaller. Surveys show that riffle features remain stable and that pool depths are maintained or deepened, while tracer paths match with what has been observed in natural riffle‐pools. However, the slowdown of coarse sediment and increase in channel slope may lead to future failures related to over‐steepening of the banks and a disruption in the continuity of sediment transport in the creek. This study demonstrates how bedload tracking and morphological surveys can be used to assess river restoration projects, and highlights the importance of incorporating coarse sediment connectivity into restoration design and monitoring.



尽管越来越多的人认为河流恢复应着重于恢复过程而不是形式,但仍缺乏成熟的技术来设计和监测泥沙输送过程的项目。这项研究监测了农村,未修复的城市和城市修复后的河床的床荷运输和河道形态。目的是比较河床的输水方式,评估已建浅滩池序列的稳定性和自我维护,并评估该项目对小河粗沙连续性的影响。使用射频识别示踪剂进行沉积物追踪,并通过重复的横截面调查评估形态变化。年平均速度用于量化示踪剂的平均下游速度,定义为示踪剂平均行程长度除以总研究时间。通道重建减慢了D中粒子的下游速度75和D 90尺寸等级,但不会显着改变D 50尺寸等级或更小的粒子的速度。调查表明,浅滩特征保持稳定,池深度得以保持或加深,而示踪剂路径与天然浅滩池中观察到的相吻合。但是,粗大泥沙的减慢和河道坡度的增加可能会导致与堤岸过度陡峭有关的未来破坏,并破坏小河中泥沙输送的连续性。这项研究证明了如何利用床荷跟踪和形态学调查来评估河流修复项目,并强调了将粗泥沙连通性纳入修复设计和监测的重要性。