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Effect of an Emotional Intelligence Training Program Developed for Prospective Psychological Counselors on Psychological Counseling Skill Levels
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy ( IF 1.952 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10942-020-00352-5
Fatma İrem Değerli , Hatice Odacı

The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of an emotional intelligence training program for prospective psychological counselors on psychological counseling skills. The study group for the research comprised 28 prospective psychological counselors attending the guidance and psychological counseling department of a state university who volunteered to participate in the study. The research used a semi-experimental pattern with pretest, posttest and control group. The 2 × 3 split-plot included the first factor with independent process groups of the experimental and control group (14 students each), while the second factor included the repeated measures related to the dependent variables (pretest, posttest, follow-up). The personal information form and Microcounseling Skill Discrimination Scale were used as data collection tools. Analyses were completed with IBM SPSS program. According to the results obtained, for the experimental group there were significant differences identified between the pretest points and posttest and follow-up test points, while there was no statistically significant difference found between the posttest and follow-up measures. In line with this, it was concluded that the emotional intelligence training program was an effective program to develop the psychological counseling skills of prospective psychological counselors and this change continued 1 month after the treatment.



本研究的目的是测试情绪智力培训计划对潜在心理咨询师的心理咨询技能的有效性。该研究的研究小组由 28 名志愿参加该研究的州立大学指导和心理咨询部门的潜在心理咨询师组成。该研究采用半实验模式,包括前测、后测和对照组。2 × 3 裂区包括实验组和对照组的独立过程组(每组 14 名学生)的第一个因素,而第二个因素包括与因变量(前测、后测、后续)相关的重复测量。个人信息表和微咨询技能辨别量表被用作数据收集工具。分析使用 IBM SPSS 程序完成。根据所得结果,对于实验组,前测点与后测和后续测试点之间存在显着差异,而后测和后续测量之间没有发现统计学上的显着差异。与此一致,得出的结论是,情商训练计划是培养潜在心理咨询师的心理咨询技能的有效计划,并且这种变化在治疗后 1 个月持续。而后测和后续测量之间没有发现统计学上的显着差异。与此一致,得出的结论是,情商训练计划是培养潜在心理咨询师的心理咨询技能的有效计划,并且这种变化在治疗后 1 个月持续。而后测和后续测量之间没有发现统计学上的显着差异。与此一致,得出的结论是,情商训练计划是培养潜在心理咨询师的心理咨询技能的有效计划,并且这种变化在治疗后 1 个月持续。