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Decision Support System to Improve the Effectiveness of Chemical Control Against Cutworms in Sugar Beet
Sugar Tech ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s12355-020-00808-z
Magdalena Jakubowska , Jan Bocianowski , Kamila Nowosad , Jolanta Kowalska

The aim of this research was to create an advisory system for commodity services and sugar beet growers to support their decisions about the use of chemical control against the cutworms. Consequently, two forecasting models for determining the chemical control time were compared: one based on a signaling method and the other based on average of [effective] temperatures necessary for caterpillars to achieve the desired L2 stage. The date of first flights and the total number of pests on plantations were determined. The usefulness of monitoring cutworm catches was also compared with systematic observations of sugar beet fields at the moment when the mass flight of cutworm moths was identified. The beginning of oviposition, hatching of the first caterpillars and the caterpillars’ growth to 10–12 mm was observed, and optimal date of chemical treatment against cutworms was forecasted. During the study, the time for insecticidal treatments against cutworms was determined by the signaling method between the 29th and the 41st day following the onset of the cutworm moths’ mass flight. The time of treatments was determined phenologically by obtaining the sum of heat which ranged from 300.7 to 696.4 °C with an average of 523.17 °C and the sum of effective temperatures which ranged from 120.2 to 260.5 °C with an average of 180.1 °C.



这项研究的目的是为商品服务和甜菜种植者创建一个咨询系统,以支持他们关于使用化学手段防治地老虎的决定。因此,比较了两种用于确定化学控制时间的预测模型:一种基于信号方法,另一种基于毛虫达到所需L 2所需的平均[有效]温度。阶段。确定了第一次飞行的日期和人工林上的有害生物总数。在确定了蛾类蛾的大规模飞行之时,还比较了监测钩虫捕捞的有用性和系统观察糖用甜菜田的效果。观察到产卵的开始,第一批幼虫的孵化以及幼虫长到10-12 mm的生长,并预测了针对地老虎的化学治疗的最佳日期。在研究过程中,在天蛾蛾大量飞行开始后的第29天至第41天之间,通过信号传递方法确定了对天蛾进行杀虫处理的时间。通过获得从300.7到696.4°C的平均热量为523的热量之和,从物候上确定治疗时间。