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Toward a Machine Learning and Software Defined Network Approaches to Manage Miners’ Reputation in Blockchain
Journal of Network and Systems Management ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10922-020-09532-1
Abdellah Kaci , Abderrezak Rachedi

In blockchain, transactions between parties are regrouped into blocks, in order to be added to the blockchain’s distributed ledger. Miners are nodes of the network that generate new blocks according to the consensus protocol. The miner that adds a valid block to the distributed ledger is rewarded. However, to find a valid block, the miner needs to solve a computationally difficult problem, which makes it difficult to a single miner to gain rewards. Therefore, miners join mining pools, where the powers’ of miners are federated to ensure stable revenues. In public blockchains, access to mining pools is not restricted, which makes mining pools vulnerable to considerable threats such as: block withholding (BWH) attacks and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In the present work, we propose a new reputation based blockchain named PoolCoin based on a distributed trust model for a mining pools. The trust model used by PoolCoin is inspired from the job market signaling model. The proposed PoolChain blockchain allows pool managers the selection of trusted miners in their mining pools, while miners are able to evaluate them. Furthermore, to detect malicious miners that claim bigger computing capacity, we also provided a machine learning module to estimate the real miners’ capacities. The efficiency of the proposed trust model is studied and the obtained simulation results are presented and discussed. Thus, the model parameters’ are optimized in order to detect and exclude misbehaving miners, while honest miners are maintained in the mining pool.



在区块链中,各方之间的交易被重新组合成块,以便添加到区块链的分布式账本中。矿工是根据共识协议生成新块的网络节点。向分布式账本添加有效区块的矿工将获得奖励。然而,为了找到一个有效的区块,矿工需要解决一个计算困难的问题,这使得单个矿工很难获得奖励。因此,矿工加入矿池,矿工的权力被联合起来以确保稳定的收入。在公共区块链中,对矿池的访问不受限制,这使得矿池容易受到相当大的威胁,例如:区块扣留(BWH)攻击和分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击。在目前的工作中,我们提出了一种新的基于信誉的区块链,名为 PoolCoin,基于矿池的分布式信任模型。PoolCoin 使用的信任模型的灵感来自于就业市场信号模型。提议的 PoolChain 区块链允许矿池管理者在他们的矿池中选择受信任的矿工,而矿工能够对其进行评估。此外,为了检测声称具有更大计算能力的恶意矿工,我们还提供了一个机器学习模块来估计真实矿工的能力。研究了所提出的信任模型的效率,并展示和讨论了所获得的仿真结果。因此,优化模型参数以检测和排除行为不端的矿工,而诚实的矿工则保留在矿池中。PoolCoin 使用的信任模型的灵感来自于就业市场信号模型。提议的 PoolChain 区块链允许矿池管理者在他们的矿池中选择受信任的矿工,而矿工能够对其进行评估。此外,为了检测声称具有更大计算能力的恶意矿工,我们还提供了一个机器学习模块来估计真实矿工的能力。研究了所提出的信任模型的效率,并展示和讨论了所获得的仿真结果。因此,优化模型参数以检测和排除行为不端的矿工,而诚实的矿工则保留在矿池中。PoolCoin 使用的信任模型的灵感来自于就业市场信号模型。提议的 PoolChain 区块链允许矿池管理者在他们的矿池中选择受信任的矿工,而矿工能够对其进行评估。此外,为了检测声称具有更大计算能力的恶意矿工,我们还提供了一个机器学习模块来估计真实矿工的能力。研究了所提出的信任模型的效率,并展示和讨论了所获得的仿真结果。因此,优化模型参数以检测和排除行为不端的矿工,而诚实的矿工则保留在矿池中。此外,为了检测声称具有更大计算能力的恶意矿工,我们还提供了一个机器学习模块来估计真实矿工的能力。研究了所提出的信任模型的效率,并展示和讨论了所获得的仿真结果。因此,优化模型参数以检测和排除行为不端的矿工,而诚实的矿工则保留在矿池中。此外,为了检测声称具有更大计算能力的恶意矿工,我们还提供了一个机器学习模块来估计真实矿工的能力。研究了所提出的信任模型的效率,并展示和讨论了所获得的仿真结果。因此,优化模型参数以检测和排除行为不端的矿工,而诚实的矿工则保留在矿池中。