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Early histologic findings of pulmonary SARS-CoV-2 infection detected in a surgical specimen.
Virchows Archiv ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s00428-020-02829-1
Angelina Pernazza 1 , Massimiliano Mancini 2 , Emma Rullo 3 , Massimiliano Bassi 4 , Tiziano De Giacomo 4 , Carlo Della Rocca 1 , Giulia d'Amati 3

Despite the current pandemic season, reports on pathologic features of coronavirus disease 19 (Covid-19) are exceedingly rare at the present time. Here we describe the pathologic features of early lung involvement by Covid-19 in a surgical sample resected for carcinoma from a patient who developed SARS-Cov1 infection soon after surgery. The main histologic findings observed were pneumocyte damage, alveolar hemorrhages with clustering of macrophages, prominent and diffuse neutrophilic margination within septal vessels, and interstitial inflammatory infiltrates, mainly represented by CD8+ T lymphocytes. These features are similar to those previously described in SARS-Cov1 infection. Subtle histologic changes suggestive pulmonary involvement by Covid-19 may be accidentally encountered in routine pathology practice, especially when extensive sampling is performed for histology. These findings should be carefully interpreted in light of the clinical context of the patient and could prompt a pharyngeal swab PCR test to rule out the possibility of SARS-Cov1 infection in asymptomatic patients.


在手术标本中检测到肺部 SARS-CoV-2 感染的早期组织学发现。

尽管当前是大流行季节,但目前关于冠状病毒病 19 (Covid-19) 病理特征的报告极为罕见。在这里,我们描述了手术样本中 Covid-19 早期肺部受累的病理特征,该样本是手术后不久发生 SARS-Cov1 感染的患者切除的癌症。观察到的主要组织学表现是肺细胞损伤、肺泡出血伴巨噬细胞聚集、间隔血管内突出和弥漫性中性粒细胞边缘以及间质炎症浸润,主要以 CD8+ T 淋巴细胞为代表。这些特征与之前在 SARS-Cov1 感染中描述的特征相似。在常规病理学实践中可能会意外遇到提示 Covid-19 肺部受累的细微组织学变化,特别是在对组织学进行大量取样时。应根据患者的临床情况仔细解释这些发现,并可能提示进行咽拭子 PCR 检测以排除无症状患者感染 SARS-Cov1 的可能性。