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Integrated morphological and ecological traits to identify Temnocephala digitata Monticelli, 1902 (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida) and neotype designation
Zoologischer Anzeiger ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.04.005
Agustina Zivano , Francisco Brusa , Cristina Damborenea

Within the Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida is a clade of continental turbellarians that establish an ectocommensal relationship with their hosts. Many species live associated with decapod crustaceans. In the Neotropical region, two species of Temnocephala are commensals on species of the shrimp family Palaemonidae. Temnocephala digitata lives on Palaemon argentinus and was originally reported from freshwater bodies connected to the Río de la Plata, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The original brief description of the species caused the name to be used incorrectly, creating confusion about the actual specific identity. Here we redescribe T. digitata based on morphological, biological and ecological features. Main morphological features of the reproductive system are the length of the cirrus and its introvert, as well as the number and disposition of its spines. Also, the female portion of the reproductive system lacks vaginal sphincters, which are otherwise well developed in the other species of the genus. The species is big and has the smallest adhesive disk reported for the genus, which allows firm attachment and active movements on the host surface. The egg capsules are fixed on the border of the gill chamber of the host. The prevalence, intensity, and abundance of T. digitata vary according to the size and sex of the host and throughout the year, with the highest prevalence, intensity, and abundance on ovigerous female hosts. This fact is related to the longer intermolt period of ovigerous hosts. These observations conform a solid redescription for a species with a tortuous nomenclatural history.


综合形态学和生态学特征,鉴定1902年的指头满天星Temnocephala digitata Monticelli(侧柏,Temnocephalida)和新型名称

在侧柏中,Temnocephalida是由大陆性动荡的人组成的阵营,与他们的主人建立了外向关系。许多物种与十足纲甲壳动物有关。在新热带地区,Temnocephala的两个物种是对虾龙虾科物种的共生。Temnocephala digitata生活在阿根廷的Palaemon上,最初是由与阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省的Ríode la Plata有关的淡水机构报告的。该物种的原始简短描述导致名称使用不正确,从而使人们对实际的特定身份产生困惑。在这里,我们重新描述T. digitata根据形态,生物学和生态特征。生殖系统的主要形态特征是卷云的长度及其内向,以及棘的数量和分布。同样,生殖系统的雌性部分缺乏阴道括约肌,否则在其他属中发育良好。该物种很大,并且具有该属报道的最小的粘盘,这使得其在宿主表面上牢固附着并活动。卵囊固定在宿主the腔的边界上。指T的流行,强度和丰度视宿主的大小和性别而不同,并且全年不同,在雌雄同体的宿主中患病率,强度和丰度最高。这个事实与卵生宿主更长的蜕皮期有关。这些观察结果对具有曲折命名历史的物种进行了可靠的重新描述。
