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Upper Paleolithic animal exploitation in the Armenian Highlands: The zooarchaeology of Aghitu-3 cave
Quaternary International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.04.029
Alex Bertacchi , Boris Gasparyan , Ben Gruwier , Florent Rivals , Andrew W. Kandel

Abstract Excavated from 2009 to 2019 by the Tubingen-Armenian Paleolithic Project, Aghitu-3 Cave is the only stratified Upper Paleolithic site in Armenia. Sedimentary deposits range from 39,000 to 24,000 calibrated years before present (ka cal BP). The main Paleolithic occupations occurred during the accumulation of Archaeological Horizon (AH) VI between 36 and 32 ka cal BP and AH III between 29 and 24 ka cal BP. AH VI was deposited under warm and humid conditions, while AH III shows evidence for cooler and drier conditions. Here we report the results of a comprehensive zooarchaeological study aimed at characterizing early modern human hunting behavior in the Armenian Highlands. Our results indicate a focus on adult goats and equids. Bird remains are present, but we found no evidence of human exploitation. Carcass transport strategies appear more selective than those inferred for other assemblages in the region, suggesting that foragers at Aghitu-3 were exploiting larger hunting territories. Finally, we present the results of a pilot microwear and mesowear study on caprine teeth. The latter found evidence for a highly abrasive grazing diet, which in turn suggests that occupation during the formation of AH III took place in spring or summer.


亚美尼亚高地旧石器时代晚期动物开发:Aghitu-3 洞穴的动物考古学

摘要 2009-2019年图宾根-亚美尼亚旧石器时代项目发掘的Aghitu-3洞穴是亚美尼亚唯一的旧石器时代晚期分层遗址。沉积物的范围从 39,000 年到 24,000 年不等,在现在之前(ka cal BP)。主要的旧石器时代职业发生在考古地平线 (AH) VI 36 至 32 ka cal BP 和 AH III 期间 29 至 24 ka cal BP 的积累期间。AH VI 是在温暖和潮湿的条件下沉积的,而 AH III 则显示出更冷和更干燥的条件。在这里,我们报告了一项综合性动物考古研究的结果,该研究旨在表征亚美尼亚高地早期现代人类的狩猎行为。我们的结果表明重点关注成年山羊和马科动物。鸟类遗骸存在,但我们没有发现人类剥削的证据。尸体运输策略似乎比对该地区其他组合推断的策略更具选择性,这表明 Aghitu-3 的觅食者正在开发更大的狩猎区域。最后,我们展示了对山羊牙齿的微磨损和中磨损试验研究的结果。后者发现了高度磨蚀性放牧饮食的证据,这反过来表明 AH III 形成期间的占领发生在春季或夏季。