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Causality of climate and soil factors affecting whole crop rye (Secale cereale L.) yield as part of natural ecosystem structure via longitudinal structural equation model in the Republic of Korea
Grassland Science ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-27 , DOI: 10.1111/grs.12253
Moonju Kim 1 , Jinglun Peng 1 , Kyungil Sung 2

In this study, the causality of climate and soil factors affecting the whole crop rye yield was identified via structural equation model, such as the seasonal effect between autumn and next spring, the indirect effect of the precipitation and the relationship between soil physical and climate factors. To identify the causality under the part of natural ecosystem, the structure was modeled with climates (autumnal accumulated temperature, autumnal growing days, spring accumulated temperature, spring growing days, spring amount of precipitation, and spring days with precipitation) and soil physical properties (drainage classes, effective soil depth, slope, and gravel content). As a result, we could estimate various specific relationships: First, the seasonal effect of accumulated temperature and growing days between autumn and next spring was obvious for the yield. Second, the precipitation had indirectly influenced the yield through suitable temperature in next spring. Final, the soil physical factor was related to the only precipitation, which means the effect of soil factor was significant through the spring precipitation. The structure could be modeled with climate and soil physical factors as a part of natural ecosystem, which was performed at the first time in the Republic of Korea and will be helpful to extend the structure with various factors in the future study.


通过纵向结构方程模型在大韩民国影响自然生态系统结构的影响整个农作物黑麦(Secale graine L.)产量的气候和土壤因素的因果关系

本研究通过结构方程模型确定了气候和土壤因素对整个作物黑麦产量的因果关系,例如秋季和次年春季之间的季节效应,降水的间接影响以及土壤物理与气候因素之间的关系。 。为了确定自然生态系统部分下的因果关系,使用气候(秋季累积温度,秋季生长天数,春季累积温度,春季生长天数,春季降水量和春季降水量)和土壤物理特性对结构进行建模(排水等级,有效土壤深度,坡度和砾石含量)。结果,我们可以估计各种特定的关系:首先,秋季和次年春季之间积温和生长天数的季节效应对于产量明显。其次,降水在明年春季通过合适的温度间接影响了产量。最后,土壤物理因子与唯一的降水有关,这意味着在春季降水中土壤因子的影响是显着的。该结构可以用气候和土壤物理因素作为自然生态系统的一部分进行建模,这是在韩国首次进行的,这将有助于在将来的研究中扩展具有各种因素的结构。这意味着在春季降水中土壤因子的影响是显着的。该结构可以用气候和土壤物理因素作为自然生态系统的一部分进行建模,这是在韩国首次进行的,这将有助于在将来的研究中扩展具有各种因素的结构。这意味着在春季降水中土壤因子的影响是显着的。该结构可以用气候和土壤物理因素作为自然生态系统的一部分进行建模,这是在韩国首次进行的,这将有助于在将来的研究中扩展具有各种因素的结构。