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Use of a jugular vein model for the instruction of equine intravenous catheter placement by third‐and fourth‐year veterinary students
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13260
K. J. Hobbs 1 , P. J. Johnson 1 , M. E. Scharf 1 , D. T. Cross 2 , L. L. Wallace 2

Successful placement of an i.v. catheter in horses is a core competency required by the AVMA COE accreditation policy (section 7.11, #2,#3,#5). Therefore, we determined whether the use of a novel intravenous (i.v.) catheter placement training tool would improve confidence, time to successful placement and accuracy with which third‐ and fourth‐year veterinary students acquire competence regarding this skill in adult horses. Students lacking earlier experience with i.v. catheter placement in horses were randomly assigned to either Group 1 (n = 15) or 2 (n = 10). Students with prior experience with the technique were assigned to Group 3 (n = 14). Group 1 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using the model and then assessed using a live horse. Group 2 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using a live horse and then assessed using a live horse. Group 3 students were assessed using a live horse. Assessments included number of placement attempts, number of redirects and time needed to achieve correct intraluminal placement. Student perceptions regarding the use of this model for the purpose of learning i.v. catheter placement in horses were evaluated using a questionnaire. Results of this study demonstrated that students receiving initial instruction with the model achieved better scores in terms of both time to accomplish the task and accuracy for catheter placement in a live horse when compared with students that received their first instruction on a live horse. The use of this i.v. catheter placement training tool therefore served to lessen the cost of training and to minimise animal discomfort during this component of veterinary student training.



在马中成功放置静脉导管是AVMA COE认证政策要求的核心能力(第7.11,#2,#3,#5节)。因此,我们确定了使用新颖的静脉(iv)导管放置训练工具是否可以提高信心,成功放置的时间以及三年级和四年级兽医学生获得有关成年马匹这项技能的能力的准确性。缺乏在马中静脉置管的经验的学生被随机分配到第1组(n = 15)或第2组(n = 10)。具有该技术先前经验的学生被分配到第3组(n = 14)。第一组的学生被指导使用该模型进行静脉导管放置,然后使用活马进行评估。第2组学生接受了iv的指导 使用活马导管置入,然后使用活马进行评估。使用活马对第3组学生进行评估。评估包括放置尝试的次数,重定向的次数以及实现正确的腔内放置所需的时间。使用问卷调查表,评估了学生对使用该模型以学习在马中静脉导管放置的目的的看法。这项研究的结果表明,与在活马体上接受首次指导的学生相比,接受该模型初始指导的学生在完成任务和准确性方面都取得了更好的成绩。iv的使用