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Neighbourhood food environments revisited: When food deserts meet food swamps
The Canadian Geographer ( IF 1.482 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-17 , DOI: 10.1111/cag.12570
Meng Yang 1 , Haoluan Wang 2 , Feng Qiu 3

This study uses service area–based coverage and various count regression methods to assess neighbourhood‐level healthy and unhealthy food environments, and food access associated with different socio‐economic groups in Edmonton, Canada. We identify three types of vulnerable neighbourhoods according to different food environments: food deserts (i.e., neighbourhoods lack sufficient access to healthy foods); food swamps (i.e., neighbourhoods have excess access to unhealthy foods); and those with overlaps of food swamps and food deserts. We also identify neighbourhoods with superior access to healthy foods (i.e., food oases). Additionally, our results from regression analyses indicate: (1) child population is negatively associated with both healthy and unhealthy food resources; (2) good access to public transportation is associated with good coverage of all healthy food outlets and convenience stores; and (3) deprived neighbourhoods with higher percentages of minority populations have better coverage of both healthy and unhealthy foods in general. The results from this study can help the City of Edmonton identify the key neighbourhoods with high potential for local business and the hotspot neighbourhoods that require particular support. Tailored strategies are proposed to effectively and efficiently improve food environments with limited resources.


