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Finding of regeneration in a large number of wounded receptacles in Sargassum ringgoldianum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales)
Phycological Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-17 , DOI: 10.1111/pre.12415
Shunro Yamano 1 , Shingo Akita 1 , Yuhi Hayakawa 1 , Daisuke Fujita 1

Sargassum ringgoldianm is a canopy‐forming perennial macroalga dominant in a shallow waters along the central Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan, where macroalgal forests have been drastically declining by browsing of herbivorous fish since the 1990s. Accordingly, we tried to reveal seasonal fluctuation of browsing damage on S. ringgoldianum. In the course of the investigation, we found signs of receptacle regeneration in S. rinngoldianum, which has been reported in a few species of the order Fucales. Regenerations occurred most frequently from 3.0 mm to 3.9 mm of the basal part of original receptacles and were also observed at the tips of remaining stalks as well as branchlets that seemed to lose original receptacles. The regenerated receptacles formed antheridia and oogonia, and released eggs from them, suggesting that regenerated receptacles are functional. In addition, no regeneration was observed in only three individuals among 51 plants observed. We show herein a high regenerative ability of wounded receptacles in S. ringgoldianum. This frequent regeneration of functional receptacles is important for the persistence of the population.


在 Sargassum ringgoldianum (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) 中发现大量受伤的容器再生

Sargassum ringgoldianm 是一种形成冠层的多年生大型藻类,主要存在于日本本州中部太平洋沿岸的浅水区,自 1990 年代以来,由于食草性鱼类的捕食,大型藻类森林急剧减少。因此,我们试图揭示 S. ringgoldianum 浏览损伤的季节性波动。在调查过程中,我们在 S. rinngoldianum 中发现了容器再生的迹象,这在 Fucales 目的几个物种中已有报道。再生最频繁地发生在原始花托基部的 3.0 毫米至 3.9 毫米处,并且还在剩余茎的尖端以及似乎失去原始花托的小枝上观察到。再生的容器形成了雄虫和卵原细胞,并从中释放出卵子,表明再生容器是功能性的。此外,在观察到的 51 株植物中,只有 3 个个体没有观察到再生。我们在此展示了 S. ringgoldianum 中受伤容器的高再生能力。这种功能性容器的频繁再生对于种群的持久性很重要。