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Effect of background color and shelters on female pigmentation in the ornamental red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Caridea, Atyidae)
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-03 , DOI: 10.1111/jwas.12660
Ana Laura Tomas 1 , Daniela Eliana Sganga 1 , Laura Susana López Greco 1

Neocaridina davidi, the “red cherry” shrimp, is becoming popular in trade markets because of the reddish coloration of females. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of background substrate color, and the presence of shelters on N. davidi female pigmentation and astaxanthin content. In the first experiment juveniles were assigned to one of three treatments: white, red, or black background substrate. After 90 days, females exposed to the black background showed higher astaxanthin content and relative carapace colored area than those exposed to white and red backgrounds. The second experiment evaluated the presence of shelters with white or black backgrounds. Juveniles were assigned to one of four treatments: white background with shelters (WS), white background without shelters (WWS), black background with shelters (BS), and black background without shelters (BWS). After 90 days the presence of shelters did not influence either the color nor total astaxanthin content. Females exposed to BWS and BS had higher astaxanthin content and relative carapace colored area than those exposed to WWS and WS. Growing N. davidi with black substrates could be a low cost and easy method to improve its economic value. Furthermore, this species could be cultivated as a pigment‐enriched food source for other aquatic species.



由于雌虾颜色偏红,“红樱桃”虾新虾(Neocaridina davidi)在贸易市场上变得越来越流行。这项研究的目的是分析背景底物颜色的影响以及庇护所对达维第猪笼草的影响。女性色素沉着和虾青素含量。在第一个实验中,将青少年指定为三种处理方法之一:白色,红色或黑色背景底物。90天后,暴露于黑色背景的雌性虾青素含量和相对的甲壳着色区域要高于暴露于白色和红色背景的雌性。第二个实验评估了白色或黑色背景的庇护所的存在。少年被指定为以下四种治疗方法之一:带有庇护所的白色背景(WS),没有庇护所的白色背景(WWS),带有庇护所的黑色背景(BS)和没有庇护所的黑色背景(BWS)。90天后,避难所的存在既不影响颜色也不影响虾青素的总含量。暴露于BWS和BS的女性比暴露于WWS和WS的女性具有更高的虾青素含量和相对的甲壳着色区域。生长带有黑色底物的达维猪笼草可能是一种低成本且易于提高其经济价值的方法。此外,该物种可以作为其他水生物种的色素丰富食物来源来种植。