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The embryological and larval development of the sea urchin Diadema savignyi (Audouin, 1809) (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) from the South China Sea
Marine Biology Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1080/17451000.2020.1726960
Salim Shakirovich Dautov 1

This paper provides the first descriptions of embryonic and larval development of the sea urchin Diadema savignyi (Audouin, 1809) (Diadematoida: Diadematidae). Diadema savignyi developed from relatively small eggs, 79.24 ± 6.37 µm. At 26–27°C, the embryonic development of D. savignyi took about 7 h until hatching from the fertilization envelope at the blastula stage and beginning of the larval life. Then the larvae went through the following stages of development: spherical blastula (7–12 h), gastrula and prism (23–31 h), pluteus with one pair of larval arms (48 h), pluteus with two pairs of larval arms (50–72 h), and late pluteus (14–18 d). In the late stages of larval development, the proportions of the larval body change greatly. The duration of development of D. savignyi from fertilization to the juvenile stage was 45–47 days. The larval development of D. savignyi and other species having the Echinopluteus transversus type of larvae, whose development was studied earlier, is reviewed and described on the basis of own data and those published previously in literature in order to compare the development of plutei within the family Diadematidae.


南海海胆Diadema savignyi(1809年,奥杜因)的胚胎学和幼虫发育(Diadematoida:Diadematidae)

本文首次描述了海胆Diadema savignyi(Audouin,1809年)(Diadematoida:Diadematidae)的胚胎和幼体发育。夜蛾Diadema savignyi由相对较小的卵(79.24±6.37 µm)发育而成。在26–27°C,D。savignyi的胚胎发育大约持续了7小时,直到在囊胚阶段和幼虫生命开始时从受精包膜中孵化。然后,幼虫经历了以下发育阶段:球形囊(7–12 h),腹肌和棱柱(23–31 h),带一对幼虫臂的排骨(48 h),带两对幼虫臂的排骨( 50–72 h)和晚侧臀(14–18 d)。在幼虫发育的后期,幼虫体的比例变化很大。从受精到幼年阶段沙枣的发育持续时间为45-47天。D. savignyi和其他具有棘突棘突species的物种的幼体发育 根据自己的数据以及先前在文献中发表的数据,对幼虫的发育类型进行了较早的研究,并对其进行了综述和描述,以比较Di科中within的发育情况。
