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Phosphates solubilization, indol-3-acetic acid and siderophores production by Beauveria brongniartii and its effect on growth and fruit quality of Capsicum chinense
The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-07 , DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2019.1662737
Felipe A. Toscano-Verduzco 1 , Pedro A. Cedeño-Valdivia 1 , Wilberth Chan-Cupul 1 , Hermina A. Hernández-Ortega 1 , Esaú Ruiz-Sánchez 2 , Edelmira Galindo-Velasco 3 , Elia Cruz-Crespo 4

ABSTRACT Solubilization of inorganic P-sources and production of siderophores and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by Beauveria brongniartii were quantified and then, the effects of biofertilization using B. brongniartii on the plant growth, fruit yield and quality of Capsicum chinense were evaluated. Beauveria brongniartii solubilized more P from Ca3(PO4)2 (158.95 mg L−1) than FePO4 (31.7 mg L−1) and produced siderophores (59.8% of Fe3+-Chrome azurol-S degradation) and IAA (31.2 mg L−1). Plants fertilised at 100% of the recommended dosage (120N-150P-150K) had the tallest height at 30 (37.56 cm, P = 0.0494), 45 (57.56 cm, P = 0.0510) and 60 (67.87 cm, P = 0.0461) days after transplanting (dat) compared to plants inoculated and fertilised at 75% (90N-112.5P-112.5K) during the same period (30 dat = 30.68 cm, 45 dat = 45.81 and 60 dat = 55.75 cm). Inoculated plants with B. brongniartii had a higher foliar N content (3.53%, P = 0.0532) than non-inoculated plants (3.31%). The fruit weight (FW = 6.767 g, P = 0.00001), longitudinal fruit diameter (LFD = 37.82 mm, P = 0.0001) and equatorial fruit diameter (EFD = 25.59 mm, P = 0.0003) were also higher in inoculated versus non-inoculated plants (FW = 5.632 g, LFD = 33.98 mm and EFD = 24.10 mm). The P-solubilizing ability and siderophore and IAA production of B. brongniartii played an important role in the plant growth, foliar nutrient content and fruit quality of C. chinense plants.



摘要 对布氏白僵菌溶解无机磷源和产生铁载体和吲哚-3-乙酸 (IAA) 进行了量化,然后,使用布氏白僵菌进行生物施肥对辣椒植物生长、果实产量和品质的影响评估。Beauveria brongniartii 从 Ca3(PO4)2 (158.95 mg L-1) 中溶解的 P 比 FePO4 (31.7 mg L-1) 多,并产生铁载体(Fe3+-Chrome azurol-S 降解的 59.8%)和 IAA(31.2 mg L-1) )。以 100% 推荐剂量 (120N-150P-150K) 施肥的植物的最高高度为 30 (37.56 cm, P = 0.0494)、45 (57.56 cm, P = 0.0510) 和 60 (67.87 cm, P = 6)0。移植后天数 (dat) 与同期 (30 dat = 30.68 cm、45 dat = 45.81 和 60 dat = 55.75 cm) 接种和受精的植物相比,在 75% (90N-112.5P-112.5K)。接种了 B. brongniartii 的植物比未接种的植物 (3.31%) 具有更高的叶面 N 含量 (3.53%, P = 0.0532)。与未接种相比,接种的果实重量(FW = 6.767 g,P = 0.00001)、纵向果实直径(LFD = 37.82 mm,P = 0.0001)和赤道果实直径(EFD = 25.59 mm,P = 0.0003)也更高植物(FW = 5.632 g,LFD = 33.98 mm 和 EFD = 24.10 mm)。B. brongniartii 的溶磷能力和铁载体和IAA 的产生对C. chinense 植物的植物生长、叶面养分含量和果实品质具有重要作用。P = 0.0003)在接种植物中也高于未接种植物(FW = 5.632 g,LFD = 33.98 mm 和 EFD = 24.10 mm)。B. brongniartii 的溶磷能力和铁载体和IAA 的产生对C. chinense 植物的植物生长、叶面养分含量和果实品质具有重要作用。P = 0.0003)在接种植物中也高于未接种植物(FW = 5.632 g,LFD = 33.98 mm 和 EFD = 24.10 mm)。B. brongniartii 的溶磷能力和铁载体和IAA 的产生对C. chinense 植物的植物生长、叶面养分含量和果实品质具有重要作用。