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The effect of temperature and CO2 on the development of pink stem borer on maize
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-019-00052-3
K. Viswajyothi , Jawala Jindal , Naveen Aggarwal

Pink Stem Borer, Sesamia inferens Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) incidence has increased on graminaceous crops in the north-western plains of India during recent years. To understand the effect of climate change on the northward spread of the pest, studies on the growth and development of S. inferens on maize (Zea mays L.) were planned with combinations of temperature and CO2. The combinations were 27: 22 °C and 375 ppm of CO2, 32: 26 °C and 375 ppm of CO2, 27: 22 °C and 450 ppm of CO2 and 32: 26 °C and 450 ppm of CO2. Various developmental parameters of S. inferens were analyzed using analysis of variance for the main effects of temperature and CO2 and their interactions. At elevated temperature, the growth of egg, larval and pupal stages were faster and the developmental period decreased by 30.9%. At elevated CO2, the larval and pupal development delayed and there was 5.7% increase in developmental period. Both temperature and CO2 individually and in combination significantly influenced adult longevity. Adult longevity reduced 24.9% and 21.7% in male and female, respectively at elevated temperature. Whereas, at elevated CO2, adult longevity increased 7.6% in male and 6.8% in female, respectively. The fecundity was positively influenced (+10.8%) by elevated temperature and negatively (−14.4%) by elevated CO2. The effects of temperature and CO2 on the development of pink stem borer were opposite, with temperature being positive and predominant in influencing the biology of S. inferens. So, it is probable that the faster development of S. inferens on maize in the warm climate might slightly get mitigated by the adverse effect of elevated CO2. The overall effect of rapid development of pest population and damage on maize on large area basis needs to be further investigated.



近年来,印度西北部平原禾本科作物上的粉茎螟、芝麻螟(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)的发病率有所增加。为了了解气候变化对害虫向北传播的影响,计划结合温度和 CO2 对玉米 (Zea mays L.) 上的 S. inferens 的生长和发育进行研究。组合为 27: 22 °C 和 375 ppm CO2、32: 26 °C 和 375 ppm CO2、27: 22 °C 和 450 ppm CO2 和 32: 26 °C 和 450 ppm CO2。使用温度和 CO2 的主要影响及其相互作用的方差分析来分析 S. inferens 的各种发育参数。温度升高时,卵、幼虫和蛹阶段生长较快,发育期缩短30.9%。在 CO2 升高的情况下,幼虫和蛹发育延迟,发育期增加5.7%。温度和二氧化碳单独和组合都显着影响成年人的寿命。在升高的温度下,男性和女性的成年寿命分别减少了 24.9% 和 21.7%。而在二氧化碳升高的情况下,成年男性的寿命分别增加了 7.6% 和女性的 6.8%。繁殖力受到温度升高的正面影响 (+10.8%) 和二氧化碳升高的负面影响 (-14.4%)。温度和 CO2 对粉螟发育的影响相反,温度对 S. inferens 的生物学影响呈阳性且占主导地位。因此,在温暖的气候下,S. inferens 在玉米上的较快发展可能会因 CO2 升高的不利影响而略有缓解。