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Triple dermocystid-chytrid fungus-ranavirus co-infection in a Lissotriton helveticus
European Journal of Wildlife Research ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10344-020-01381-2
Cesar Ayres , Iván Acevedo , Camino Monsalve-Carcaño , Barbora Thumsová , Jaime Bosch

Emerging infectious diseases represent a key problem for the survival of amphibian populations. Declines related to infections of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Ranavirus have been described in several areas of Northern Spain, including protected areas. Co-infection—the simultaneous infection of a host by multiple pathogen species—can increase the susceptibility to subsequent infections. Here, we describe a case of triple dermocystid-ranavirus-chytrid fungus co-infection in a specimen of palmate newt (Lissotriton helveticus) from a protected wetland of North-western Spain. Five palmate newts and one Bosca’s newt (Lissotriton boscai) were found dead, and tissue samples were analysed by using qPCR methods. Ranavirus was detected in four out of five L. helveticus and in the L. boscai individual, whereas Bd was detected only in one of the five L. helveticus. Four out of six specimens tested positive for Dermocystidium. Sequencing was performed to double-check the presence of Dermocystidium in a qPCR-positive sample for that pathogen.



新兴的传染病是两栖动物种群生存的关键问题。在西班牙北部的一些地区,包括保护区,已经描述了与菌真菌杆状芽孢杆菌病毒感染有关的下降。共同感染(多种病原体同时感染宿主)会增加对后续感染的敏感性。在这里,我们描述了一例来自西班牙西北部受保护的湿地的棕榈酸newLissotriton helveticus)标本中的三重皮肤囊肿-ranavirus-chytrid真菌共感染病例。发现5只棕榈酸new和1只Bosca newLissotriton boscai)死亡,并使用qPCR方法分析组织样本。株蛙虹彩病毒在五分之四的检测瑞士乳杆菌并在L. boscai个体,而屋宇署只在五个一检测到瑞士乳杆菌。六分之四的标本检测出皮肤囊藻阳性。进行测序以仔细检查qPCR阳性样品中该病原体是否存在真皮囊藻