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Optimal path generation in scala tympani and path planning for robotic cochlear implant of perimodiolar electrode.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0954411920908969
Zuo Wang 1 , Jianjun Li 1 , Yongzhen Wu 2 , Ruifeng Zhu 1 , Binrui Wang 1 , Kai Zhao 1

In this study, a new idea of the optimal path generation method was proposed and a path planning strategy for robotic cochlear implant of perimodiolar electrode was designed. The centerline of scala tympani channel was taken as the optimal implant path of the perimodiolar electrode, which aimed to reduce the damage of the electrode to the cochlea during implantation. First, the three-dimensional cochlear model was reconstructed based on the micro-computed tomography images of cochlea, and it was re-segmented to obtain the cross sections of the scala tympani at different angles. Then, the image processing method was used to determine the central point of the scala tympani cross sections. The cubic B-spline interpolation method was used to fit these discrete central points to generate the optimal path. Finally, the coordinate information of the optimal path was combined with the stylet extraction state of perimodiolar electrode to conduct the path planning for robotic cochlear implant, and the result was sent to the robot for kinematic inverse solution to obtain the robot motion trajectory. The robotic cochlear implant experiment was performed with the model of scala tympani. The results showed that the maximum implant force based on path planning was 0.084 N, and the maximum implant force without path planning was 0.134 N. The optimal path generation and the path planning method effectively help to reduce the damage of the electrode to the cochlea.


在scala tympani中优化路径生成,并为perimodiolar电极的人工耳蜗植入物规划路径。

在这项研究中,提出了一种最佳路径生成方法的新思路,并设计了一种自动蜗蜗电极的人工耳蜗植入的路径规划策略。斯卡拉鼓室通道的中心线被认为是Perimodiolar电极的最佳植入路径,旨在减少植入过程中电极对耳蜗的损伤。首先,基于耳蜗的显微计算机断层扫描图像重建三维耳蜗模型,并对其进行重新分段,以得到不同角度的鼓ala的横截面。然后,使用图像处理方法确定斯卡拉鼓室横截面的中心点。三次B样条插值方法用于拟合这些离散的中心点以生成最佳路径。最后,结合最优路径的坐标信息和周二电极的探针提取状态,进行机器人人工耳蜗的路径规划,并将结果发送给机器人进行运动学逆解,获得机器人的运动轨迹。用scala tympani模型进行人工耳蜗植入实验。结果表明,基于路径规划的最大植入力为0.084 N,不进行路径规划的最大植入力为0.134N。最优的路径生成和路径规划方法可有效减少电极对耳蜗的伤害。然后将结果发送给机器人进行运动学逆解,以获取机器人的运动轨迹。用scala tympani模型进行人工耳蜗植入实验。结果表明,基于路径规划的最大植入力为0.084 N,不进行路径规划的最大植入力为0.134N。最优的路径生成和路径规划方法可有效减少电极对耳蜗的伤害。然后将结果发送给机器人进行运动学逆解,以获取机器人的运动轨迹。用scala tympani模型进行人工耳蜗植入实验。结果表明,基于路径规划的最大植入力为0.084 N,不进行路径规划的最大植入力为0.134N。最优的路径生成和路径规划方法可有效减少电极对耳蜗的伤害。