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Renewing the engagement of young people in farming in Thailand: Possible pathways
Outlook on Agriculture ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1177/0030727019885209
Nicolas Faysse 1

The engagement of young people in farming has been declining in Thailand. This is most obvious when considering farm holders, as agricultural censuses show that the number of young farm holders has dropped considerably over the last two decades, and this is also the case for agricultural labourers (Podhisita, 2017). Local studies in Thailand (e.g. Rigg et al., 2008, 2018) reported young people are staying away from farming. Many young people from a farming family prefer a non-agricultural income, which they can obtain without leaving their home villages or alternatively, through migration (Nilsen, 2014). However, the decline in engagement in farming is not the same everywhere: young people can still be found on farms that are part of profitable value chains and, in some villages, young people occasionally support their parents on the family farm (Rigg et al., 2019). But clearly the overall image is that fewer and fewer young people are present in the fields and that they are less and less involved in decision-making in family farms. Similar trends have been identified in other newly industrialized countries of Asia (e.g. Indonesia, the Philippines), although more local studies are needed to detail changes in the way young people engage (or not) in farming.



在泰国,年轻人对农业的参与一直在下降。在考虑农场主时,这一点最为明显,因为农业普查显示,过去二十年来年轻农场主的数量已大大减少,农业劳动力也是如此(Podhisita,2017)。泰国的当地研究(例如Rigg等,2008、2018)报告了年轻人远离农业。许多来自农业家庭的年轻人更喜欢非农业收入,他们可以在不离开家乡或通过移民的情况下获得收入(Nilsen,2014)。但是,从事农业的人数在各地并没有下降:年轻人仍然可以在有利可图的价值链中的农场上找到,在某些村庄,年轻人偶尔会在家庭农场上养父母(Rigg et al。,2019)。但是很明显,总体形象是,在田间存在的年轻人越来越少,他们越来越少地参与家庭农场的决策。在亚洲的其他新兴工业化国家(例如印度尼西亚,菲律宾)也发现了类似的趋势,尽管需要更多的本地研究来详细说明年轻人从事(或不从事)农业耕作方式的变化。