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Effects of machine milking on udder health in dairy ewes
Small Ruminant Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106096
Gema Romero , Cristòfol Peris , George C. Fthenakis , José Ramón Diaz

Abstract The aim of this article is to review factors associated with machine milking that would increase mastitis incidence risk and the effects of milking machine, milking management and routine in sheep. Machine milking settings that increase vacuum fluctuations under the teat or teat thickness and help to disseminate infectious agents would increase the risk of intramammary infection. Vacuum fluctuations are caused by a low effective reserve, low air and milk line diameters, low milk tube diameters, sudden air leakages caused by high milking cluster weight, teatcup slippage, excessive liner mouthpiece diameter or inadequate machine stripping. The milk line height (low vs mid line) has no relation with SCC if the rest of the settings are adequate, although higher vacuum fluctuations have been recorded in high line. The settings that increase teat thickness include an excessively high vacuum level, lack of effective massage on the teat (high pulsation ratio), liners too soft, hard, narrow or old, and overmilking for longer than 2 min. Regarding milking management, the reduction of milking frequency to 1 milking per day has an effect on yield and SCC due to a concentration effect, and some milking practices such as post-milking teat disinfection or milking animals with intramammary infections last, despite the drawbacks in overall farm management (identification and separation of infected animals), can lower the risk of mastitis incidence.



摘要 本文的目的是回顾与机器挤奶相关的会增加乳腺炎发病风险的因素以及挤奶机、挤奶管理和常规对绵羊的影响。增加乳头下真空波动或乳头厚度并有助于传播传染源的机器挤奶设置会增加乳房内感染的风险。真空波动是由低有效储备、低空气和输奶管直径、低输奶管直径、高挤奶簇重量引起的突然漏气、奶杯滑动、衬管接口直径过大或机器剥离不充分引起的。如果其余设置足够,则牛奶线高度(低线与中线)与 SCC 无关,尽管在高线记录了更高的真空波动。增加乳头厚度的设置包括过高的真空度、缺乏对乳头的有效按摩(高脉动比)、衬垫太软、太硬、太窄或太旧,以及过度挤奶时间超过 2 分钟。在挤奶管理方面,由于集中效应,将挤奶频率减少到每天 1 次挤奶会对产量和 SCC 产生影响,并且一些挤奶做法如挤奶后奶头消毒或挤奶有乳房内感染的动物会持续,尽管存在以下缺点全面的农场管理(识别和分离受感染的动物)可以降低乳腺炎发病率。