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Combining spatial and economic criteria in tree-level harvest planning
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s40663-020-00234-3
Petteri Packalen , Timo Pukkala , Adrián Pascual

Modern remote sensing methods enable the prediction of tree-level forest resource data. However, the benefits of using tree-level data in forest or harvest planning is not clear given a relative paucity of research. In particular, there is a need for tree-level methods that simultaneously account for the spatial distribution of trees and other objectives. In this study, we developed a spatial tree selection method that considers tree-level (relative value increment), neighborhood related (proximity of cut trees) and global objectives (total harvest). We partitioned the whole surface area of the stand to trees, with the assumption that a large tree occupies a larger area than a small tree. This was implemented using a power diagram. We also utilized spatially explicit tree-level growth models that accounted for competition by neighboring trees. Optimization was conducted with a variant of cellular automata. The proposed method was tested in stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands in Spain where we implemented basic individual tree detection with airborne laser scanning data. We showed how to mimic four different spatial distributions of cut trees using alternative weightings of objective variables. The Non-spatial selection did not aim at a particular spatial layout, the Single-tree selection dispersed the trees to be cut, and the Tree group and Clearcut selections clustered harvested trees at different magnitudes. The proposed method can be used to control the spatial layout of trees while extracting trees that are the most economically mature.



现代遥感方法可以预测树级森林资源数据。但是,鉴于研究相对较少,在森林或采伐计划中使用树级数据的好处尚不清楚。特别地,需要同时考虑树木和其他目标的空间分布的树木级方法。在这项研究中,我们开发了一种空间树选择方法,该方法考虑了树级别(相对值增量),邻域相关(砍伐树木的接近程度)和全局目标(总收获量)。我们假设一棵大树比一棵小树占更大的面积,将展位的整个表面划分为树木。这是使用功率图实现的。我们还利用了空间上显式的树级生长模型,该模型解释了相邻树之间的竞争。用细胞自动机的变体进行优化。在西班牙的石松(Pinus pinea L.)看台上测试了所提出的方法,在那里我们利用机载激光扫描数据实施了基本的个体树木检测。我们展示了如何使用目标变量的替代权重来模拟砍伐树木的四种不同空间分布。“非空间”选择不针对特定的空间布局,“单树”选择分散了要砍伐的树木,“树组”和“清除”选择将不同大小的采伐树木聚在一起。所提出的方法可用于控制树木的空间布局,同时提取最经济成熟的树木。)在西班牙,我们使用机载激光扫描数据实施了基本的个体树木检测。我们展示了如何使用目标变量的替代权重来模拟砍伐树木的四种不同空间分布。“非空间”选择不针对特定的空间布局,“单树”选择分散了要砍伐的树木,“树组”和“清除”选择将不同大小的采伐树木聚在一起。所提出的方法可用于控制树木的空间布局,同时提取最经济成熟的树木。)在西班牙,我们使用机载激光扫描数据实施了基本的个体树木检测。我们展示了如何使用目标变量的替代权重来模拟砍伐树木的四种不同空间分布。“非空间”选择不针对特定的空间布局,“单树”选择分散了要砍伐的树木,“树组”和“清除”选择将不同大小的采伐树木聚在一起。所提出的方法可用于控制树木的空间布局,同时提取最经济成熟的树木。“单树”选择分散了要砍伐的树木,“树”组和“清除”选择将不同程度的收获树木聚在一起。所提出的方法可用于控制树木的空间布局,同时提取最经济成熟的树木。“单树”选择分散了要砍伐的树木,“树”组和“清除”选择将不同程度的收获树木聚在一起。所提出的方法可用于控制树木的空间布局,同时提取最经济成熟的树木。